“I need to use your computer.”

Larissa had followed him into the office,but he ignored her.Smokey was confused but nodded at the computer.

Big Dick hated the fucking things, but heknew how to work them. It was already loaded and he slid the USBkey into the computer, and there was a single video. Somethingtwisted in his gut and he didn’t like this. He wasn’t going to likeany of this.

At first, the scene wasn’t in focus, butthen he spotted Harlow, and he had to think back to when she wore a purple dress. Herbirthday. She was outside, but then he watched as someone came intofocus. Hunter.

Hunter pulled his sister back, and BigDick felt his anger grow. That was why Harlow didn’t want to say anything. She’dbeen with Hunter.

“Big Dick,” Smokey said.

He wasn’t listening. He watched the video,as much as he couldstand, seeing his sister in the car.

“Big Dick!”

Leaving the office, he looked around themain clubhouse and didn’t see Hunter. When he heard a bikereturning,he just knew.He stepped out of the main clubhouse and into the cold, but hedidn’t feel the biting chill.

Hunter was the father of his sister’sbaby.

Hunter was the boyfriend.

His own club brother.

Big Dick waited for him to climb off hisbike, and then took afew steps toward him. The brother he had trusted, the one who hadpromised to take care of Harlow.

Harlow had told him it was over. Hissister had been run off the road because of the club. Her life hadbeen put in danger, and Big Dick knew shehad been the easiest of targets, because he hadthought she would be overlooked. All the while, their enemies knewthe truth.

Anger, unlike anything he had ever feltbefore, rose inhim.

Hunter looked up andcould see that Big Dick knew everything.Hunter didn’t block the first blow, nor the second.

Big Dicksaw red. Harlow had quit her job. She wasdistancing herself from the club, and it was because of thisman.

“What’s the matter? You’re not going tofight back?” Big Dick asked.

The clubmembers had started to come outside.

“Enough,” Smokey said.

Hunter lifted his hand. “It’s fine. Did shetell you?”

Big Dick hit him again and then again. “No,she didn’t tell me.”

“You were filmed,” Smokey said. “Someonesent pictures and a video of you and Harlow on the night of herbirthday.”

Hunter looked at Big Dick.

“I told you. I told everyone my sister wasto be left alone.”

There was blood pouring from Hunter’s noseand his lip. He hadn’t put up a fight.

“You’re the reason she went out of town,aren’t you?” Big Dickasked.

“I ended it,” Hunter said.

Big Dick hit him again and Hunter fell tothe ground.
