She smiled and then walked him over to thedoor andlet him out. Noone had to like it. This was for her, not him.

Going to herkitchen, she pulled open the fridge and took outher lunch, sliding it into her bag. She checked the windows and thesecurity, and then grabbed her jacket. As she opened the frontdoor, she stopped when she saw Hunter.

It had been several days since she lastsaw himat the hospital,and she thought that would be the last time.

“We need to talk,” Hunter said.

“No, we don’t.” Shestepped out of her apartment and closedthe door, flicking the locks into place.

Not only had her mother made her apartmenthomey, but her father had installed several new locks, which shewas thankful for. She needed to bake them a cake as a way of sayingthank you.

“Do you not want to talk about whathappened?”

Harlow finished locking her door andturned to Hunter. “No, I don’t want to talk to you. We’re done,remember?”

She was not going to think about hiswordsand she was notgoing to be that woman. She was moving on.

“Harlow, stop being childish.”

She had started to make her way toward themain stairwell. Even with the good things happening to herapartment, the building itself was still a fucking mess.

Whirling around, she glared at him. “No,you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to try and make any of thisbetter. Like you said, it’s over between us. There is no fixing this. We’re fuckingthrough. I get it. I’m not going to say anything. My brother willnever know what happened. Nor will the club. This is our secret.They don’t need to know that you were the father of my child. Noone will know.”

With that, she took the steps two at atimeand didn’t lookback. Her heart raced. Why did he have to turn up? She was doing sowell.

She left the building and kept walking,making her way into town. It was cold as fuck, but she could handleit. In the distance, she heard a bike, but she didn’t need to turnaround nor watch.

It was Hunter, and they were over.


Big Dicksat at the bar, drinking his beer. It was earlyand he prided himself on not being an early drinker, but right now,he felt like his fucking gift had abandoned him.

The club pussy didn’t appeal, but if hewas being honest, it hadn’t appealed in months, and it wasn’t downto a certain woman working at the club. Fuck, no. The pussy just didn’t have the sameexcitement as it did previously. He was in a rut. That was all thiswas.

Finding people had never been a problem tohim. He could handle anything that was thrown at him. But rightnow, he was pissed off and angry.

Twisted Bastards MC always seemed to be one step ahead of him. Noone was ever one step ahead of him. He knew where they were at alltimes.

Sipping his beer, he couldn’t help butthink about Harlow. Was the guy who knocked her up one of theTwisted? No, Harlowwasn’t that fucking stupid.

“Here, this was left for you.”

Big Dick tensed up as Larissastepped close to him. Thelemony scent that always surrounded her pissed him off. She hadstopped working for Smokey, seeing as she now worked at the bakery,taking his sister’s job. He didn’t like this prudish little woman.She grated on his last nerve.

In her hand was an envelope. It had hisname on the front, which made no sense. Any mail that came alwayscame addressed by hisreal name, George Erickson. A name he fuckinghated.

“Where was it?”

“Near your bike,” she said.

Taking the envelope from her, he tore itopen. There was a USB key, as well as some pictures.

“Is that—”

Big Dick got to his feet, left the main bar, and went straight toSmokey’s office.

Smokey had hishead bent over some figures.