She wasn’t sure about this, but she didn’tput up a fight as Hailey walked her over to astation. There were not many setup.
“Are you not busy?” Harlow asked.
“Sometimes I can be busy. Most of my clientsare by appointment only. I was hoping to have people apply for someof the stations, but so far, nothing.”
“You’re looking for people towork here?” Harlowasked.
“I don’t know what I’m doing with themakeup stuff, but if you want, I can fulfill orders.” It couldn’t be so differentfrom packaging cookies and muffins.
“You want a job?”
“Yeah, if you’re happy to train me.”
Hailey let out a squeal. “I knew today wasgoing to be a good day, and you know what, Iwas not wrong. Consider yourselfhired.”
Harlow was all foroptimism, but she alsoknew the way the world worked. “Don’t you want to take me on for atrial period? Make sure we mesh?”
“I know we’re going to be fine. How can wenot be?” Hailey let out a giggle. “Come on, don’t you sometimesjust … have a little faith?”
Harlow frowned. “You don’t even know myname.”
“That’s not a problem, though, and easily fixed. I’m Hailey andyou’re…?” Hailey held her hand out and Harlow stared atit.
Take a chance.Otherwise,it’s go back home, jobless.
This was her only chance. A fresh start.Away from the club. Away from the pain. The makeup suddenly lookedlike a blessing.
“HarlowErickson,” she said.
“Well, Harlow, I’m HaileyValentine, it’s lovelyto meet you.”
Chapter Thirteen
SeveralDays Later
“You quit?” George asked.
Harlow released a sigh and then stepped backfrom her door. There was no reason for her to even attempt to kickher brother out, he wouldn’t listen to reason.
“Good morning to you too,brother.”
“Don’t be smartwith me.”
“And don’t come bombarding my home,without, I don’t know … sayinggood morning, or being polite or some shit?” She spunaround in the main sitting room. Ever since her mother had been by,she really had placed a homey spin on the place, there was nodenying it. Her mother knew how to add that special touch to anyplace, which should annoy her, but far from it. It actually madeher happy.
The landlord had also paid back a greatdeal of money as well. Harlow had already putmost of it in her bank. She also had a newagreement, with a decent rental rate. The state of the landlord’sface already told her a story, and she would consider it Hunter’sparting gift to her.
It was over. She and Hunter were over.
Each night, she promised herself she wouldnot cry, but that was how she fell asleep.
The good books always said the first lovewas the most painful, and they were not fucking kidding.
“What’s going on, Harlow?”
“Nothing is going on. Why does there haveto be something going on?”