“Will do.”

“Did you see anyone?” Carlos asked.

“Carlos!” Raven growled.

“No, I didn’t. It was late and it was dark.I wasn’t really focusing, and then … they were there, and it allhappened so fast.”

“We’ll take care of it. I promise,” Ravensaid.

Harlow appreciated it. “Thank you.”

The two left and a couple of nurses camein to check onher. Shedidn’t want to talk to them, but she kept a forced smile on herlips.

They left, and she breathed a sigh ofrelief. Her hands lay down by her sides.

“You and I bothknew thiswas going to be a little fun, and now, to be honest, I’m bored. Ican’t deal with your inexperience. I tried to train you, but you’rejust not what I need.”

Tears filled her eyes, and she tried tofight them. This is not what she wanted.She and Hunter were over.

He never promised her forever. He alwaystold her they wouldend,when he said they would end. Hunter kept to his word. Harlow knewwhen the time came, it was going to break her heart. What shedidn’t expect was how much it hurt.

She rubbed her chest.There was a lot of pain. She didn’t evenknow if she should feel grief for the baby that had already startedto grow inside her. There hadn’t been enough time for her to evenrealize she was pregnant.

She did have alittle fear of being pregnant. She hadn’t done apregnancy test, nor made a doctor’s appointment. Instead, she hadcontinued to have fun.Fun.There had been nothing fun about what they wereexperiencing together. Nothing fun at all.

At the sound of the door opening, Harlow wasnot surprised to see Hunter stepping into her room.

“Leave,” she said.


“No, you don’t get to Harlow me. You get toleave.”

“We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t.We’re over, remember? I’m not what you need. I’mnot what you want.” She didn’t want to look at him. It hurt toomuch.

“You were pregnant.”

“If you want to try and accuse me of keeping it from you, go ahead.Try and do that, but I promise you, I didn’t keep shit from you. Ididn’t even know.” She pressed her lips together and it was gettinghard not to cry.

Hunter had hurt her. He’d broken herheart. He hadn’t even been bothered to do it face to face. He called her, like thatmade it easier. She wasn’t even worth an actual fucking visit fromhim.

“Please, get out.”

“Would you have kept it?” Hunter asked.

Now she looked at him, and it didn’t helpthe pain. No, it made itso much worse. Hunter had been having fun. Her crush. Her stupid,pathetic, irritating crush, hadn’t been quite so sweet. No, she hadfallen in love with this asshole of an old man. That was what sheneeded to remember. Compared to her, Hunter was old, jaded, andcruel. She had to learn to hate him.

“That is none of your business, but even ifI had, I’d have never allowed you near it, or me.”

She would have kept it. A baby would havebeen so precious to her. A memory of their time together, eventhough he had ended itso abruptly. She would have still loved it. Harlow didn’t even knowif it was a boy or girl.

“Get out,” Harlow said.

“I need to know you’re okay.”

“You don’t get to need anything from me.Your time for needing anything is gone. Fuck off. If youdon’t, I’ll callSecurity.”