“No, it’s not. I vowed to protect you.”

“Vowed? You and that club cannot vowanything!”

“Mom!” She and George growled the word inunison.

“Do notMomme. As far as I’m concerned, you both should countyourselves lucky. Son, you know my thoughts and feelings abouteverything. Harlow, it’s time for you to move back home. I will nottake no for an answer.”

This was not … no, hell, no.

“Mom, no.”

“Do you expect me to believe that you enjoyliving in that …hellhole? We’ve heard some stories about that place, anddon’t try to tell me you’ve been doing fine. The look of yourclothes, and just everything. I will not have my daughter living onher own. Miscarrying—”

“Mom, stop it,” Harlow said, finallyraising her voice to be heard over her monotone. “There is no way I’m moving backhome.”

“I’ll takecare of her. The club will take care of her,”George said.

“No,” Harlow said. She was not going tostay at the club. This was her own journey and she was goingtotake it. “I … I knowwhat’s happened and I’m still trying to deal with it, but please, Ineed you all to just stop. What happened, happened, and I’m notgoing to change my life because of it. I’m not coming to the club,and I’m certainly not coming home. I have my own place.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” her mothersaid.

“Honey, stop now,” her father said.

Harlow glanced toward her father, who hadapproached the other side of the bed, and he took hold of her handand placed it close to hischest. “Our daughter knows what she’s doing, and I’m notgoing to take that away from her.”

She offered her father a smile.

There was no more time for her mother toargue, because the doctors, along with a couple ofnurses, entered theroom. They wanted to keep her overnight for observation. Georgeoffered to take her home to the clubhouse where she would haveround-the-clock care.

The clubhouse came with Hunter.

Her parents offered.

Harlow decided to stay at the hospital. Itwas the safest solution.

As per her request, George made theirparents leave. Jonah and Larissa were the first to visit her. Shedidn’t realize they had been waiting, otherwise, she would have sent her brothersooner.

Larissa rushed to the bed and hugged hertightly, while Jonah stood back and offered her a speedy recovery,and promised her she would be in his prayers. Larissapromised to returntomorrow with cookies.

Harlow looked forward to it, but she didwarn the other woman that it was just an overnight stay, mainlybecause she didn’t want to be at the clubhouse. Not that she addedthose little bits on for Larissa.

Next were Ava and Smokey. Smokey stayed back, while Ava wrappedher arms around her and promised it was all going to beokay.

What Ava didn’t know was that her time atthe bakery was coming to an end. She was going to have to leave herdream job. She wouldn’t tell her now, but soon. For now, Harlow knew she needed toget back on her feet, and if she left the bakery, Larissa would beable to stop cleaning the clubhouse and to take over Harlow’sjob.

Abriana and Ugly Beast were next. She wasclose to Abriana but not as close as she was to Ava and Larissa.The other woman offeredto bake cookies or snacks, and Harlow told her not to worry aboutit. She wanted out of the hospital, not to extend her stay. It wasnothing personal, but the woman couldn’t cook. She had this abilityto take cooking and baking and turn it into a nuclearweapon.

Raven and Carlos were next. Raven wasn’tgood when it came to showcasing emotions. She was often quitestilted and reserved.Much to Harlow’s surprise, Raven went to her and pulled herin tight for a hug. “I’ve got you,” Raven said.

It felt like Raven was trying to take awayher pain, which, though sweet, was completely unnecessary. Shestill appreciated it.

“It’ll all be okay.”

“Are you the last visitors?” Harlow asked.She was getting tiredand didn’t want to keep putting a brave face on it all.

“We can be. All you have to do is say theword,” Raven said.

“Then yes, you’re the last visitors.”