“You and I both knew this was going to be a little fun, and now, tobe honest, I’m bored. I can’t deal with your inexperience. I triedto train you, but you’re just not what I need.”

Her heart was breaking—no,shattering. She didn’t know what to say.

Yes, she had knownthis was not going to be forever, but didhe have to be so crude, so cruel?

“We’re over, Harlow, and don’t fucking tryto do any shit like make me jealous or what fucking ever you thinkyou can do. Grow thefuck up. Learn shit, and move on.”

With that, the callended. Harlow just stared at her cellphone at his front gate.

What the hell had just happened?

She didn’t know what to do.

Dropping her cell phone, she pushed thegear into reverse and pulled out of the space in front of his gate.Putting the car back in drive, she pressed her footon the gas and drove. Shedidn’t know where she was going. Her vision started to get blurry,and she wiped her eyes.

The tears fell down her cheeks silently.

She drove, not looking where she was going, until she pulledinto a picnic area’s parking lot. Harlow kept the ignition aglow,and even let the lights shine brightly in front of her.

She tried not to think. It would be so mucheasier to not think. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed a tissueand pressed it against her nose, blowing it. Taking a deep breath,she slowly exhaled.

There was no one she could turn to. Hunterand her were a secret. She couldn’t tell anyone what happened heretonight, or any night.

She tried not to think about all the times she had been withHunter, but still, they played out in her mind, annoying her withtheir comforting presence. How he ran her a bath and carried her toit. Changing the sheets after he’d taken her virginity. All thetimes he’d been there for her, holding her.

He cooked for her, and they hadn’t alwaysbeen fucking when she went to him. Sometimes, they had fun.She recalled the way she hadpinched his butt while he’d been doing the dishes, and then hechased after her.

Their affair had been fleeting—just a few weeks together—but in that short time, they had created a lot ofmemories.

Tears filled her eyes once again, and thistime, she pressed the palms of her hands to her eyes and sobbed.She didn’t hold back.

Harlow should have known this was going tohappen.Hunter had beengrowing distant the past few days. They had sex and it had beenfun, but she knew there was something different in the way hehandled himself. He didn’t hold her, and when she woke up, he wasalready out of bed.

The sex had also been … mechanical.It was still amazing, but likeHunter was going through the motions. She had thought it was justbecause he was trying to deal with club stuff. Now she knew it hadnothing to do with the club or business and everything to do withthem.

“Get your shit together, Harlow. Get yourshit together.”

Harlow sobbed into her hands, knowing shedidn’t have a choice but to pour her heart and soul out, and hopeit vanished tonight.

She couldn’t tell Ava, Raven,Larissa, or Abriana.There was nowhere for her to turn. Not even to hermother.

She had to get her shit together and acceptwhat happened.

Sniffling, she dropped her hands, and thenstarted to take a deep breath. It was a breakup, her first ever, but she was going tohandle it.

With Hunter, it had just been sex. Nothingmore important, nothingless. It was over. Finished.

Seconds passed and they turned intominutes. Harlow looked at the time and saw she had beensitting in her car fornearly an hour. It was time to go home.

Pulling out of the parking lot, she headedback in the direction she came. She gripped the steering wheel, andas she did, she saw a car following her. Checking her mirrors, shesaw the car gaining on her. The car was going fast. Instinct tookover and Harlow pressed her foot to the gas, picking up thegears. She knewsomething bad was about to happen. The further tightening in hergut, and then the unmistakable noise as the car behind her rammedhers. She jolted forward.


Harlowreached for her cell phone, but she had droppedit.

Another hit, and with the angle she was at,trying to get her cell phone made her hit her head against thesteering wheel. She winced. Another hit, and she felt her carjerk.

Hitting the gas, she tried to bring somedistance, but the car pulled up beside hers, and with the ice onthe road, all it took was a nudge with enough force,and the car spun out ofcontrol.