Larissa was dancing with one of the clubwomen, and several of the guys were also dancing with the clubwomen.
She saw Hunter was near the bar. Her heartdanced a little at seeing him, but she tried to hide it.
“I’m going to mingle.”
Harlow didn’t try to stop her brother.
Instead, she made her way toward thebarand ordered herselfa beer.
“HappyBirthday,” Hunter said.
These moments were getting hard forher.Pretending to nothave anything to do with Hunter. She felt that Raven was watchingher whenever she and Hunter were close.
Spinning around to face the dancefloor, she saw that Raven wasindeed watching her. There was no clear sign on the other woman’sface that she held any doubts, but Harlow knew they were there. Sheand Hunter did have a lot to hide.
Neither of them spoke for severalminutes. She couldn’tspeak without Raven watching her and she didn’t know if the womanwas an expert lip reader.
Spinning back into her seat, she drank someof the beer. It wasn’t the nicest of tastes.
“How are you enjoying your party?” Hunterasked.
“It’s awesome. Being surrounded by thegirlsis great.” Andthat wasn’t a lie. Her birthdays had often come and gone, with noone but her family even offering her happy birthday.
Even though she knew the girls just wanteda night out, they were also happy to spend some of it with her.
She took another sip of her beer and spunback around in her chair to look out at the dancefloor. They all looked likethey were having a lot of fun. Carlos had moved Raven. The numberhad gone from slow to fast.
“Go and dance,” Hunter said.
“Nah, I’m good. I’m happy to just watch.”She shrugged.
“You look so fucking good in that dress,”Hunter said after several seconds.
Harlow couldn’t resist chancing a lookover to him, and there was no denying the heat that stared rightback at her. There wasneed in his gaze.
She felt her body tense up. She rememberedthis morning. Last night hadn’t mattered, not when she woke up inhis arms and felt his hard dick pressing against her back. It hadstarted with him stroking her tits, just lightly, and she knew it was his way ofassessing if she wanted him. The truth was, even last night she hadwanted him.
Not a moment went by when she didn’t wantor crave him.She knewthat made her weak. Hunter was an asshole, a giant one, and evenwhen he said the shit he did, she still wanted him. It must makeher weak.
“I’ve got your present,” Hunter said. “Meetme outside in five minutes.”
Her car keys were on the counter and shedidn’t question him as he took them and headed out of the bar.Harlow knew she shouldn’t follow him. They were out in the open andtheir agreement was they only fucked in his home, behind closeddoors, where no one could see.
She looked back at the dancefloor. Carlos had once againgained Raven’s attention. She wasn’t looking toward her. Smokey andAva were lost in their own little world. She had to wonder if Avaeven saw the way Smokey looked at her sometimes. Like he was sofucking lost, filled with guilt. That hadn’t changed in the timeshe had truly gotten to know her boss and Smokey. Abriana and UglyBeast were wrapped up in each other.
Larissa was dancing with what appeared tobe her brother, which was so weird. It was insane to eventhink about. There was no wayher brother could be into Larissa. She shook her head and knew shewas just seeing things. Larissa wouldn’t be into her brother. Nothappening. He was gross. Her big brother.
And she checked the time to see it hadbeen longer than five minutes. Part of her brain was telling her tosit her ass back in the chair and not even dare go out into theparking lot. But the naughty side of her brainwon. She just couldn’thelp herself and she knew it was wrong, but she wanted to be withHunter. It was her birthday, after all. What was wrong with beingwith the man she really wanted to be with?
Sneaking out of the bar wasn’t toohard.Her car was nolonger beneath the streetlight, but had been moved.
Where was Hunter?
Chapter Nine
Hunter knew he shouldn’t be pushing, nottonight. This was Harlow’s birthday. She deserved to spend it withthe girls, having fun, and dancing with strangers. He’d alreadyseen her dancing with Larissa, and he liked that she had been agood girl. Men had wanted to dance with them, but none of them hadgotten the balls to even approach them yet, which he was thankful for.