“I’m not pregnant. I’m not even datinganyone.” She refused to think about him.The one man she couldn’t quite seem to helpherself from thinking about. A certain MC VP who goes by the nameof Hunter.

The last time she had seen him it had been… her lips tingled just remembering, and the words he spoke to her.They held a promise.“I want so fucking bad to see just how sweet thatmouth of yours is. To know if your cunt is as tight as I figure itwould be, and your ass, I want to know if you want to be dirty withme as I take your ass.”

Then Christmas had come, and for somereason, theyhadn’t beenable to talk, or do anything. Just that one kiss, which wasactually her first kiss, but she wasn’t going to let him know that.He didn’t need to know that she never went on dates, nor enjoyedchasing boys, or that kind of stuff.

“But your brother might think you’re hidingsomething and I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

She wanted to argue that it was no trouble at all, but BigDick could be a giant pain in the ass when he wanted tobe.

“I still think I should call Smokey.”

Ava sighed. “I intend to go andget a pregnancy test afterwork. Smokey is watching Umberto at the moment.”

“I can watch the shop while you go andcheck.”

Her boss winced.

Harlow rolled her eyes. “You’re not going tothe local pharmacy, are you?”

“I can’t sneeze without Smokey knowingabout it, and if I am pregnant, then I want to … you know, I wantto be prepared and maybeeven tell him. The last time I found out I was pregnant, it was sodifferent.” Ava wrapped her arms around herself. “I don’t want thistime to be like that.”

She nodded. “I understand.”

There was no time to talk anymore as thelunch rush hourstarted,and both of them were swamped. Harlow was thankful for thedistraction. She didn’t want to think about what Hunter was doing,and it was nice to worry about her friend. She adoredAva.

She considered Ava, Raven, and Abriana close friends, and inrecent days, she had also gotten close to Larissa. She was thepreacher’s daughter, who was so sweet and fun to bearound.

Harlow wasn’t used to havingfriends. Shewasn’t used to being close to anyone. After the lunch hour, she wasexhausted, and it was also her break, which Ava sent her on.Normally, she stuck around, ate her lunch, and talked with Ava.Today, she didn’t have time to make any lunch.

After getting a job with Ava, she had kindofrushed things athome. She didn’t want to live with her parents anymore, and as soonas she could, she’d rented a place, only … it sucked. The otherproblem was the rent was so high that she was already behind,running up debt, and her whole paycheck was going toward trying tostay out of her mother’s home. Food was not much of anoption.

She refused to tell Big Dick, andshewould never go homeand ask for help.

Harlow had gotten herself into the bind,and she’d get herself out of it. So far, she’d avoided thelandlord, and had been trying to make her wagestretch by paying himevery week.

She didn’t have any food at home, and theleftovers she’d taken from the clubhouse had run out. She wasn’t due to get paid untilFriday. She shouldn’t eat, but she was starving, so she made herway across the street, toward the diner. Being a vegan had itsperks, as she knew a large plate of fries was cheap and vegan, andsuited her diet. If her mother learned of her predicament, she’dcomplain that her diet was too extravagant, and not about theridiculous rental fee.

There had been several times she’d looked at her brother andwondered if she should ask him for advice. She didn’t want him todeal with it, but advice would be good as she didn’t know if therental fee was fair or not. But she knew he would just take overand handle it for her, which she didn’t want. She could take careof herself, and she didn’t need anyone to do that forher.

Stepping into the diner, she saw it wasstill busy but she was able to find a small table. She took a seat, ordered a large plateof fries, and then waited, pulling out her cell phone. FindingSmokey’s number, she was tempted to text him but immediately shotthat idea down, and then dropped her phone.

She glanced around the diner, not reallypaying attention to anyone or anything.Every time the door opened, a gust of cold aircircled her ankles. She was tempted to pull her jacket on, but sheinstead folded her arms and waited.

As she sat waiting, she couldn’t help butthink about Hunter. He was wrong for her in so many ways, she knewthat, and she had afeeling he knew that as well. They were wrong for one another, butthat didn’t stop her from fantasizing about him.

It was so wrong. He was older than her,closer to Smokey’s age, while she was nearingonly twenty-one years.

She had no doubt he’d been with lots ofpartners, while he was her first kiss. She’d not been with anyother man, hadn’t even had a boyfriend.

There had been guys who asked her out ondates, but she just hadn’t been interested in them, or they hadstared at her chestthewhole time they asked her out. She was not going to date a cheststarer. Gross. Sometimes she wondered if it was because she had sixbrothers, if the very thought of dating a woman with that many menin her life terrified them. If they only knew that her brotherswere so self-involved, they wouldn’t care who dated her.

Another gust of wind circled her legs andshe looked up, only to feel herself frozen to the spot as the manshe had been trying to forget and pretend didn’t exist, walked intothe diner. He was alone,which was rare.

Hunter usually had an entourage of peoplearound him.This wasindeed a rare sight. She looked at him and then averted her gaze.Much to her surprise, he came to her table, pulling out the chairopposite and taking a seat.

“Hello, Harlow,” he said.

She wasn’t going to be rude to him. Hermother had taught her to have good manners. From the moment hekissed her, though, theyhadn’t been alone, nor had they talked about it. She didn’t havehis number and there was no way she would become a stalker. Shewasn’t that kind of woman.