It wason the tip of her tongue to tell him to fuck off, butinstead she glared at him for another second, and then moved to herbags. She didn’t have a lot of stuff.

She had never told Big Dick, but when sheleft her parents’ house,it was after an argument. Her mother had told her she was wastingher life for the last time, and that she needed to make changes,and she didn’t want to listen to it anymore, so sheleft.

With the job at Ava’s she did have a smallamount of savings. Shehad walked right into this place, and it had been nothing but afuck-up ever since. She could put on a brave face, but the truthwas, it was killing her. Being hungry wasn’t fun.

With a bag packed, she moved toward Hunter.He looked at her and she waited. She didn’t know what more hewanted, and then he took the bag from her and they left theapartment. Harlow didn’t look back.

This was her independence, and so far, ithad been nothing short of a nightmare. She didn’t like to complainbecause she knew other people were in worse positions. At least she had an apartment,even if it was cold with no creature comforts. She had more thanmost.

Huntertossed her bag in the back of the car, and she climbed inthe passenger side as he got behind the wheel. Neither of themspoke as he fired up the engine and then took off out of theparking lot.

“Are you angry with me?” she asked, finallybuilding the courage to say something.

“No, I’m not angry with you. Men like yourlandlord make me angry.”

“What did you do?” Harlow asked.

“Nothing, just gave him a warning.”

“Do I even want to know what a warning meansfrom you?”


Harlow pressed her lips together. Why didHunter care? Was it because he might have feelings for her? Was itbecause of her brother?She didn’t dare ask so she kept her mouth shut. Harlowexpected them to go to the clubhouse, but they headed in thedirection of his home.

It wasn’t long before they stepped throughhis front door and Hunter closed it and flicked the lock intoplace. He dropped her bag on the floor.

“What did I tell you?” he asked.

Harlow frowned, looking at him. Witheverything that had happened in the last few hours, she couldn’treally think.


Hunter stepped in close.

“Get naked.”

“Oh,” Harlow said.

She was all fingers and thumbs as shescrambled to remove her clothes. Hunter wasn’t joking about that.She didn’t know if they had to be talking sex for her to getnaked.

Harlow was very much aware that he watchedher as she removed her clothes. Her lingerie was nothing special.They were old things,but hopefully she’d be able to afford something new. She intendedto keep her bra and panties on, but he shook his head and did thattut that she found annoying.

“All of it.”

She didn’t argue and stood before him,completely naked. “Happy?”

She didn’t mean to be sassy, but there wasno point in denying what came naturally to her, and being sassy wasexactly that.

“Yeah, I am happy.” He gave a little growlof appreciation.

Hunter stepped toward her and kicked herclothes out of the way, and then bandedan arm around her waist, pulling her in close. “Ilike it very fucking much.”

She let out a gasp as he grabbed herass, the tight gripsending a shockwave of pleasure through her body. She had no ideahow he had this much effect on her, but she knew she didn’t want itto stop.

He pressed his face against her neck and shereleased a little moan.

“You’re going to learn to take care ofyourself and I’m going to show you how to handle assholes like theones you’ve encountered. First, I’m going to feed you,and then I’m going tofuck you.”