Smokey looked up.
“Raven has already taken a sample of theblood and sent it out toSantiago contacts. We should have an update within the next coupleof hours and know who the blood belonged to.”
“Assuming they’re registered or in thesystem.”
“Yeah,” Smokey said, running a hand downhis face. “Thecameraswere wiped out. We need to close the bakery.”
“If we do that, he’ll know what we’re doing,and we become easier targets.”
“I can’t have anything happen to Ava,”Smokey said.
“Nothing will. We increase the numbers.”Hunter sighed and then looked toward the back of the bakery.“It’stime we madeanother house call to the old Twisted Bastards MCcompound.”
“Already did it,” Smokey said. “It’sabandoned.”
Hunter took a deep breath.
“So, we find out where they’re operating. Trust me, they’re abunch of dumb fucks.”
“They’re a bunch of dumb fucks whohave been able to go under theradar and now attack my woman’s bakery. I’ve got a kid and anotheron the way.”
Hunter looked at his prez. “You’ve gotanother kid on the way?”
“Yeah. Ava went and bought the test and wedid it last night,” Smokey said, running a hand down his face.
“Congrats?” he asked, not exactly sure ifthis was the right or wrong time.
“You’re not happy.”
“Would you be?” Smokey asked.
“I don’t have any kids, so it would be abig shock to me.”Hecouldn’t help but think about Harlow, heavily pregnant with hischild. This was fucked up and a whole load of fucking scary. Henever wanted to have kids. Kids were a fucking pain in the ass, anightmare. They didn’t bless life, but fuck it up. There was nofucking way he wanted forever with Harlow. This was just fun. Anitch that needed to be scratched. Nothing more, nothingless.
Chapter Six
“It’s dog,” Raven said, stepping into theclub several hours later. She approached Smokey’s desk and slammedthe details down on it.
Hunter looked over to the woman and gritted his teeth. Hecould have handled a whole lot of shit but finding out that it wasblood from a dog, now that pissed him off.
Smokey picked up his cell phone and itwasn’t long before he had Big Dick on speakerphone, giving him theupdate.
“That narrows it down,” Big Dick said.“There are a lot of old ranch holds, abandoned farms for fuckingmiles, but if it is dog, then that means they have to be outsomewherewith dogswhere they could hurt them, and dogs in pain can make a lot ofnoise.”
“Sick fucks. You find them, you tell us,”Raven said, clenching her hands into fists. “I want a piece ofthem.”
“Be careful and keep us updated,” Smokeysaid.
“Will do.”
The call ended.
“Carlos is on his way,” Raven said.
“Shit is about to getreally ugly,” Huntersaid.
“Where is Ugly?” Smokey asked.