She snorted. “I might not be the expert on sex, but I do know thata brick through a window is not good. So not good on many differentlevels.”

“Why did you pretend to sleep?” he asked,more interested in why she’d do that than driving over to thebakery.He wasn’t afraidof the threat the club faced. They always had them. Those threatshad only increased since joining forces with Carlos Santiago. TheTwisted Bastards MC were just an old enemy, and like now, theywould make a fuck-up.

Kind of like how you’ve fucked up big timeby screwing Big Dick’s little sister.

“I … ugh … I didn’t know what to do.”

“So you pretended to sleep.”

“I’ve never done the whole morning after.”She shrugged. “I did what I thought I wassupposed to do. It’s how all the good movieshandle it. The morning after is not something people want to talkabout.” She nibbled her lip. “Are you going to drop me off at myapartment?”

“No. I’ll tell them I saw you on the wayover and I picked you up. Do you want any breakfast?” he asked.

He had intended to cook her something, butwith the club calling, there was nothing he could do but answer it.This was his job.

“Nah, I’ll eat something at the bakery orthe diner. It’s nobiggie.”

He stepped around her. Thetemptation to organize anothernight was strong, but instead he went to the hallway and picked uphis car keys.

“I’ll be waiting for you outside. Getdressed.”

He left her alone as he made his waytoward the car. It was cold as fuck and his car had frosted over.Opening the door, he climbed in, turned over the ignition,cranked the heater up,and directed it over the windshield. It wasn’t long before itstarted to melt. Harlow didn’t take long. She held her bag againsther chest and wrapped herself up in a jacket.

“I’m ready,” she said.

Just from his front door tothe car, she had started toshake. She handed him the house keys, and then he turned his cararound, got to the gate, wound his window down, and typed in thecode. The gates opened, and the moment he was through, he waiteduntil the gates were closed before heading out to the main streetand back to town.

Harlow didn’t say a word. He heard her teethchattering as she wrapped her arms around herself. The heat wasalready cranked up but he changed the direction of it so she wouldwarm up.

Arriving into town, he saw there were more bikes close tothe bakery than just Big Dick’s and Smokey’s.

There were not many people in town yet. Onlythe people who owned the places had arrived and were starting toopen their shops. He ignored them and climbed out of the car.

“What the fuck are you doing riding withhim?” Big Dick asked.

“Wow, it’s cold outside and you’renot worried that I froze todeath? Real mature, George.” Harlow closed his car door and thenlooked toward him. “Thank you, Hunter, for being a real gentlemanand stopping so I didn’t have to walk the whole way into town.” Sheshook her head and started to mutter about assholebrothers.

She played the part well and Hunter couldn’thelp but smile before returning his attention back to Big Dick.

“What do we know?” he asked, getting thebrother to stay focused on the matter at hand, which was thedamaged bakery.

“This is personal. So far, whoever did it was able to wipe thestreet cameras,” Big Dick said.

“They were.” Hunter frowned. He didn’t likethat. Twisted BastardsMC never had anyone on their team that was tech savvy.

“Smokey’s pissed.”

“Do you blame him? The Twisted is our problem but the first placethey hit is the bakery. They are already crossing aline.”

“Going after family,” Big Dick said.

Hunter watched as Big Dick looked inside thebakery. Following his gaze, he spotted Harlow as she pulled Ava infor a hug.

“They could attack anyone.”

Hunter slapped him on the shoulder andmade his way inside, ignoring Harlow. He went straight to Smokeywho was inside Ava’soffice. The brick and the note were there. He didn’t like thatthere appeared to be blood on the brick.

“What’s going on?” Hunter asked.