Getting to his feet, he left the bedroombut couldn’t resist another glance back.Harlow belonged to him. No other man had touchedher.

To Hunter, virgins had been a mysterybecause he’d never encountered one. Not a woman that had waited forhim. He’d always gravitated to experienced women. Women with partners made life easier forhim, especially when it came time to walk away. With that, he wasan expert. Walking away was the easy thing to do.

Pulling his gaze away from the beauty inhis bed, he made his way downstairs, and as he did, he heard theringing of his cell phone.His place was big enough that any ringing shouldn’t affectthe woman asleep in his bed, but he wasn’t willing to risk it, andhe rushed to his phone, answering it after he saw who the call wasfrom.

“What’s up?” Hunter asked.

“Where are you?” Smokey asked.

“I’m at home, just checking on a few things.I got an alert, but it was some cat or stray or something.” Hedidn’t like lying to his prez. Smokey had made mistakes over theyears, but he was still his fucking brother, and the man had savedhis back more times than he could count.

The truth was, Smokey was his best fuckingfriend, not that he’dget all warm and cuddly with that kind of shit. They were not goingto braid hair, or do anything about it. Nor was he going to buy hima necklace.

“I need you down at the bakery.”

Hunter tensed up. There was no way Smokeyfucking knew.

“Why?” Hunter asked.

“There was a hit on the place.”

“A hit?”

“Someoneflung a brick through the window and it had amessage on it.”

“What was the message?”


“Soon?” Hunter asked, repeating him.

“Yeah. I need you to come and look. I’vegot Big Dick on the scene and a couple of guys. This is the Twistedfucks. You know it, and I know it. I’m not going to have themtoying with mywoman.”

“You’re sure it’s not just a bunch of kidsmessing around, causing damage?” Hunter asked.

They had sent the Twisted Bastards MC intohiding. They had wiped out Creed as well as a few of their members.There was no fucking way for them to come running back unless theywere fucking stupid.

“No, trust me.”

With that, Smokey hung up.


“What is it?” Harlow asked.

He spun around as hehadn’t heard her approach. “You wereasleep?”

“Nah, I wasn’t. I’m a light sleeper. Themoment you started toget out of bed and get dressed, I was awake.”

“Don’t do that kind of shit again. Ifyou’re awake, tell me. I don’t play the game like that. What didyou hear?”heasked.

“Something about the bakery,” Harlow said.“It wasn’t exactly clear. You were on the phone and I only reallyheard your side. You think it’s kids?”

“Someonetossed a brick through your window. Have you andAva got any bad blood with any of the local thugs?”

Harlow shook her head. “Just to point out,in Fort Clover, you’re the local thugs,and nah, we’ve had a pretty easy time of it, sincethe whole club accepted Ava, and Smokey loving her and claiming herand all that. It’s an attack?”

“Unless you thinktossing a brick through a window is a sweet lovenote.”