Anticipation traveled up his spine, andall he wanted to do was fuck her, take her hard and fast, and workthat pussy until she couldn’t think of anyone but him. He had afeeling Harlow was a virgin, and every other time that should havehim running as far away from her as possible, but forsome reason, he couldn’t bringhimself to do that.
Harlow was everything he should denyhimself.
“Do you want a drink?”
He’d never known such difficulty in hislife. Never had he struggled to turn down a woman. No one had everdrawn himin like this,not even when he was sharing with Smokey. Those were fun times.Strangely enough, since Ava came onto the scene, he hadn’t missedthem.
He didn’t wait around to see if Harlowfollowed him into the kitchen. There was bare minimum in his placeas he didn’t spend a lotof time here. Again, this place was an investment, not something heconsidered long-term. The club was his life, and he lived there. Heonly needed some downtime once in a while.
“Does my brother own a place like this?”Harlow asked.
“I don’t know. What we do with our share ofthe profits is up to each person. What do you want? Water? Soda?Beer?”
“Water, please.”
He grabbed a bottle of water, while hesettled on a soda. Sliding the bottle across the counter towardher,he watched as shecaught it. He saw her hands shake a little as she unscrewed thecap.
“Nervous?” he asked.
She looked over to him. “What?”
“You look nervous.”
“I’m not nervous.”
“I have no idea what is going tohappen.”
Hunter chuckled. “Did you think I was takingyou to one of our warehouses?”
He tutted. “If I took you to one of thoseplaces,I’d have to killyou.”
Harlowsmiled and held her water up. “It is good to know you careenough to not want to kill me.” She gave him a wink. “See, this isalready looking up.”
“We need to talk.”
She rolled her eyes. “Is this where we setthe terms? Raven has already told me not to do anything stupid withyou.”
He tensed up. “Raven?”
“There was a thing at the bakery the otherday. She saw your number in my phone and kind of put two and twotogether. I didn’t tell her what was happening.”
“Don’t,” he said.
“I won’t.”
“What did Raven say?”
“That you’re bound to the club. Your wholelife is for the club and no one else.” She shrugged. “It’s not ashock to me. I know you’re devoted to the club. She also warned me that you usewomen. They don’t matter to you.”
“They don’t,” Hunter said. “I’m not lookingfor a wife. Don’t for a second think you’re going to be my oldlady, or get me to settle down. If you still want to do this, it’sfun. Nothing else.”
Harlow nodded and he watched as she took asip.
“But it also means you won’t tell anyone,will you?” Harlow asked.