
She didn’t look back but rushed into theshop, and Hailey wasn’t moving.

“No, no, this can’t be happening. Hailey.Open your eyes. Listento me. Come on. Wake up. You can’t be dead. You can’t bedead.”

She heard the ring of the ambulance andHarlow tried to stop the bleeding, she tried to help herfriend.

The Hell’s Bastards MC arrived secondsbefore the ambulance.


Hunter knew Hailey was hanging on by a thread. She had gone withthe ambulance. Hailey wasn’t dead, but she wasn’t doing good. Thebullets hadn’t hit any major arteries, which made her incrediblylucky.

The Hell’s Bastards MC crew were all inthe receptionroom,waiting. The Twisted Bastards MC had taken a hit on Hailey’s BeautyParlor as well as Ava’s Bakery. Larissa was also in surgery. Shehad gotten hit by the spray of bullets.

From what he knew, Smokey had alreadydealt with the localsheriff. They were handling this problem.

Harlow sat in the waiting room beside him,and shewouldn’t move.Her gaze was on the door.

One look across the room at Kinky, andHunter knew the other club brother wasn’t handling his shitwell.

Big Dick also wasn’thappy. None of them were happy. Smokey waspissed. Ava was on maternity leave, but from time to time, shewould go into the bakery with their newborn baby girl and their sonUmberto. He rubbed at Harlow’s back.

“I don’t even know a number to call herparents,” Harlow said. “What kind of friend does that make me?”

“They wouldn’t care,” Kinky said.

He turned his head to look at the other clubbrother.

“What?” Harlow asked.

“Hailey didn’t have a great relationshipwith her mom and dad. She was a means to an end. In order to gettheir inheritance, theyhad to get married and have a child. Hailey was the result of thatinheritance term. She spent her younger years with nannies, andthen she was sent to an all-girls’ boarding school. Once boardingschool was over, and she was a huge disappointment to them, theytried to mold her into what they considered to be someone theywanted to be related to. That didn’t happen, and so theirlast-ditch effort in getting rid of her was sending her to FortClover. The beauty shop and her home was part of Hailey’sinheritance from her grandparents. Her parents had agreed toit.”

Harlow looked toward Kinky.

“How do you know all of this?” Harlowasked.

Kinky glared at him. “Did all you and Hunterdo was fuck?”

“No,” Big Dick said. “I don’t want to hearthis.” He pressed his hands over his ears.

“Hailey talked and I listened.”

Hunter placed his hand at her back andHarlow got to her feet and started to pace.

“Sit the fuck down,” Big Dick said.

“No, my best friend…twoofmy best friends are in there.”

Hunter had already been seen to. It wasn’teven a full-on shot.Cadeon had missed, but he had done what he needed to do, which wasto distract him enough to make his escape, which he was so fuckingpissed off about.

Big Dick got to his feet and went to hissister. Harlow wouldn’t stop, so Big Dick grabbed her, pulled her in close, andsurrounded her. She tried to fight her brother, but she couldn’tstop Big Dick. Hunter got to his feet and on the other side of her,he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

“We’ve got you,” Big Dick said. “It’s goingto be okay.”

“But Hailey.”

“They’re going to fix her.”