She didn’t need nor want any fake care.Growing up, she was used to her brother’s selfish behavior and none of it needed tochange for her.

“Yes, and I don’t call him that. His name is George.”

“You and I both know he likes to be calledBig Dick.”

“Har… you can be so freaking stubborn.”

“Thank you.”

“This is not a compliment. Yes, Georgemessed up. He hurtyouand now he wants to make amends. He does. Trust me, hedoes.”

She was not in the mood to listen to this.“And you thought you could come around and butter me up?”

“No, it wasn’t about buttering you up. Itwas about … taking care of you. We know you’re a stubborn,independent woman. You’ve been hurting and rather than come around to family, you’ve stayedfar away. You’ve befriended and moved in with a total stranger,rather than be with the people who care about you.”

“Hailey cares,” Harlow said.

“I’m sure she does in her own way, but sheis not family, Harlow. She is not us, or George, or even Ava, orRaven. I know you got close to them, and you’ve cut them out ofyour life.” Jude sighed. “Yes, George had to ask me to come overhere, becausesometimesI don’t know how to reach you.”

“I’m always aphone call away,” Harlow said. “It’s nothard.”

“To you, it is.” Jude clicked his tonguejust as the doorbell rang again. “I’m going to leave, but I offeredbecause I love you and I care about you. I know you and George wereyour own little clique. The oldest and youngest. Even when hewasn’t around, you never allowed any of us to fill that gap foryou, Harlow.”

She wanted to argue, but how could sheargue against the truth?

Following him to the front door, hereached out to grab the doorknob, and she hugged his back. She wrapped her arms aroundhim tightly and held on.

“I love you too,” she said.

Jude put his hand over hers, rubbing it.“I am always here for you. All of us are here for you. We’refamily, Harlow. Sometimes we’rea bit fucked up and selfish, but we’d come for you whenever youneeded us.”

Tears pricked at her eyes, but she didn’tallow them to fall. Jude left and there on her doorstep was BigDick.

She didn’t want to look at him, so shebacked away. It was his choice to either enter andclose the door, or closethe door and leave. Harlow wasn’t going to force him.

Going back to the kitchen, she put the milkonto boil.

“You’re going to ignore me?” he asked.

“Why did you put Jude up to it?”

“You and I both know you’re not talking tome.”

“I’m talking to you now.”

“Not like you used to.”

“Things change.”

“And brothers fuck up, like I did,” Big Dicksaid. “I was hurt.”

“I know.”

“I had no right to be hurt.”

Harlow frowned and looked up. Big Dick wasin the kitchen, leaning up against one ofthe counters.

“I adore you, Harlow. From the moment youcame into this world, all I wanted to do was take care of you. Ilove my brothers, but you werethe girl. I know Mom was so desperate for a girl. I alsoknow she was a little disappointed that you didn’t love dresses ormakeup, or doing girly things.” Big Dick gripped the back of hisneck. “And you got to live with that disappointment, which is why Ikept coming around. I got you. I understood you. No one else did. Ihurt you that day, I know that. You needed your big brother, theone you could count on, but instead I shattered a part of you thatday, and for that, I am sorry.”