“You fight for him more than you fight for yourself. That’s rare in a person. In the times where he’s not your favorite human,and there will be those days, take out that photo album and remember why you became a Sawyer. I adore you, darling. I wish you happiness…both of you.”

She opens her arms for me to fold into, and I do. “Thank you. I love you too, Lily.”

“If you have a mind to call me Mom someday, know that you have my blessing.”

Together we hear a small throat clearing in behind us. “Is everything all right?”

Eli’s standing in the semi open doorway. His bag is settled on the floor next to the credenza. “How long have you been standing there, Elijah?” Lily asks.

“Not long but long enough. Save me a dance or two, Mom?”

“Count on it, sweetheart.”

Lily pauses next to Eli. She lovingly touches the side of his face as he leans down to rest his head next to hers for just a moment. “Don’t take too long. Everyone will be waiting to greet you.”

She gives us a wink and a smile before she closes the door. We’re in a second of blissful silence. Eli strolls close with one hand in his pocket. He brings his soft lips to my forehead. “You’ve been Mrs. Sawyer for about ninety minutes now. How’s that going for you?”

I smooth my hands over his lapels, cocking my head just a bit. “Meh, I survived.”

Eli quickly wraps me in his arms and tickles that one spot on my lower back that sends shivers through my entire body. “Only survived? We’ll have to do better than that for the next ninety. Mom is right though. Dinner should be served soon. Are you hungry?”

“Mmmmm, ravenous.”

“I meant for food, Viper.”

“Oh sure. So did I.” Pressing up on my tiptoes, I nibble lightly on his ear. Eli’s hands grip even tighter at my waist. “Couldn’t we start with dessert here?”

“I’d love nothing more than to take every pin in your hair out one by one, in the best game of foreplay ever, but we do need to see our guests.”

“I’ll get you back for saying no when you least expect it.”

“I’ll look forward to it. Trust me.”


On the elevator ride to the ballroom level, we’re not alone in the car. There’s a young couple who have a little girl with them. She keeps staring up at Dylan, who’s holding her large ribbon-wrapped bouquet of roses, hydrangeas, long lengths of multiple ivy, and a hidden red rose I made sure was present in her right hand, and her ring set is shimmering from her left hand settled on my arm.

The little girl can’t take her eyes off of us. I look down and wave. She doesn’t shy away and waves back. She tugs on her mother’s hand and motions for her to come close. The innocence in her shows as her just louder than a whisper is heard by all of us. “Mommy, are they a real live prince and princess?”

We all smile and laugh a bit, all of us but Dylan. Dylan crouches down. Her ball gown seems to grow and grow like a pool around her. Once she’s at eye level with the little girl, she asks a very important question. “What do you think?”

The little girl responds with certainty, “You’re the prettiest princess in the world. Is he your prince for real?”

“He absolutely is. You’re so smart for seeing our secret.” Dylan reaches in her bouquet, carefully removes a white rose from it, and gives it to the wide-eyed brown-haired beauty. “This is for you to keep so you don’t forget us. Okay?”

The elevator dings and they start to exit. The little girl turns back to wave at us. I wave as Dylan blows her a little kiss and returns to my side before the doors close once more. My beautiful wife never ceases to amaze me. She rests her head on my shoulder like nothing just happened. “I just fell in love with you all over again.”

Hayley and Wes are waiting for us in the lobby just outside the ballroom. I hate to say it, but Wes nearly looks better in a tuxedo than I do, and my sister has never been more stunning. I think about her and see the little girl we just encountered in the elevator.

They seem deep in conversation. We’re too far away to hear the actual words, but it seems more solemn than I’ve seen them. Things seemed tense yesterday at the rehearsal dinner as well. I assumed it was the stress of coordinating things. I’ll have to pay closer attention and find out.

“Did you guys get lost?” Hayley barks. She seems to realize her tone and tries to cover. “I mean, we’d like to introduce you to the guests for the first time.”

“Leave the newlyweds be, Hayles. Maybe they had something to do. Or someone. The guests can wait.”

Hayley smacks Wes in the chest with a huff. “Do you think you can keep your mind out of the gutter for just one night?”

“I don’t know. I can try, but honestly, where’s the fun in that?”