“He was crying when I saw him. You’ve never said it outright, but I know this is the kind of relationship you’ve always wanted with him.”
“Being with you has made all the difference in my life.”
I join our hands in front of us. “We can always change our minds and do our special vows in front of everyone, if you’re feeling like you can do it.”
“No. I want these promises to be private. I’ll take the traditional route in front of our family and friends for once.”
“I’d like to go last if that’s alright with you,” I offer.
She smiles and takes a deep breath. “I hope I remember everything I want to say.” Dylan rubs her thumbs over my knuckles for a few seconds before her sweet voice fills the space between us. “Dance for me is about being absolutely free in every way. We met in the middle of a dance. I’ve never admitted this to you before, but when you laid your hands on me that night, I knew I wanted to be tethered to you.
“The only reason I ran that night is because what was and is between us was so strong it scared me. I went home that night and put U2 on so loud I thought the neighbors would complain. I listened to that version of the song on repeat. I could feel your hands on me, even when I was alone. Fast forward to Stone’s class and you were standing there in the front of the room. I knew I was completely screwed.
“I know I’ve said it probably a thousand times, but I’m sorry. We could have gotten here with way less pain if I hadn’t been scared of my feelings. All I can do is live in the here and now.Here, now, and then are all the same. I love you. I love you more than chocolate. I love you more than coffee. I love you more than dancing. You’re the piece of my soul that was missing. Now I know I can be or do anything as long as you’re with me. Forever.”
“For claiming you didn’t think you could speak or remember anything…” I take another deep breath and let it go before I can even begin. “Viper, I was beaten down and emotionally destroyed for a long time. The night I saw you was the beginning of a reawakening for me. I was only half a person for so long. You saw me. You tell me I’m the only one who truly sees you. I know that you see me in a way I can’t see myself. You remind me to be strong, confident, and sure of my convictions on a daily or even hourly basis, if needed.
“You’ve never been afraid to tell me the truth about myself. I like what I see when I look through your eyes. It was those eyes that hooked me. You were unafraid when you looked at me, even when you didn’t know me. The more I’m with you, the less I want to be without you.
“You’re infinitely brave, powerful, strong, full of heart and determination. You’ve brought out a man in me that I didn’t know could exist. You invested in my spirit. My spirit thanks you. The rest of me loves you for exactly who you are, who you make me, and how we are together. I’d give you the world if I could. You may not have been my first love, but you definitely will be my last. I’ll never take this honor of being your husband for granted. I love you so, so much.”
Her hands wrap around my cheeks as mine do hers. When whomever came up with the phrase, sealed with a kiss, I don’t know if this is what they had in mind, but I know we do. This kiss is soft, slow, sultry, and full of promise for today and all our tomorrows.
Chapter Twenty-Three
While Eli collects all of his things from Wes’s room, I sit up in our suite for a few moments alone after my dress is bustled and all my personal needs are met. Today was everything I wished it to be so far, but also more than I could have dreamed.
I’m so glad we had our moment alone together in the ballroom. That’s the part I’ll remember most. The second was watching Eli’s image come closer to me as my father walked me down the aisle to him. He stood so tall and proud at the front of the room.
His hands were perfectly folded together in front of him. His smile could have lit the room on its own. Seeing someone from afar is a way to truly appreciate them. I’ve seen him in a tuxedo and too many suits to count. Today was so much more. The tux was perfectly tailored for him. Everything hugged his body just so.
His grandfather’s cuff links were a beautiful touch right at his skin. His tie was perfect without even trying. I know he shaved this morning, but the stubble came in just enough to make him abit of a dark prince. When he smiled, it went all the way through his eyes. Once I made it to the front, my father kissed the back of my hand and gave me to my groom. Eli took my hand, kissed it then wrapped it around his arm.
Perfect. Everything is perfect.
“Dylan? Dylan?” I turn my head from the mirror I’m staring in to where the voice is coming from. Lily appears in the doorway. “Everything is almost ready downstairs.”
“I’m just waiting for Eli. He went to get his overnight bag from Wes’s room.”
“May I talk to you before Eli returns?”
“Of course you can. Please come in.” Lily sits down on the bed across from the tufted chair I’m sitting in at the vanity. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh of course, dear. It’s nothing like that. I just wanted to talk to you mother to daughter. That’s what you are to me.”
“I’m glad. I like that.”
“I just feel compelled to give you just a bit of unsolicited advice.”
“I’m listening.”
Lily reaches over and lays her hand across my new ring. “Take in as much as you can today. Take pictures with your mind. Breathe in certain moments. They’ll be things that get you through a lifetime. The hard times can be washed away if you always remember where you started.
“Victoria was a part of our family for a long time. I don’t mean to refer to her on your day, but I only do to illustrate a point. She took the simple things and Eli for granted. The minute he was born, I knew he had my heart in a special way. He radiates love. That light is yours now. Take mental pictures of the little things he does. Use them.