His hand holds firm over my belly. I roll my hips up into his touch and allow his tongue to plunge inside. He flicks and rollsin tight little circles with a gentle suckle at the end. There isn’t anything I don’t enjoy about being with a man. Foreplay is my absolute favorite. The buildup of tension is sexy as fuck.

This, what he’s doing right now, is different. He’s on his knees. This man, who doesn’t realize his own strength and power, is on his knees at my feet. He’s willing to submit in a way to give me a gift. I’ve dreamed of him inside me like this.

Sometimes it would wake me up when I wasn’t with him and even sometimes when I was. I could feel this relentless pulse between my thighs. It would be so strong I’d have to get rid of it or it wouldn’t go away. If I were with Eli, I’d have to have him. I would wake him or wait until morning when I was even more amped and then pounce.

When I was alone, I’d imagine him there with me. My fingers were his. My vibrator was held by him. I’m the queen of wanting to edge it out. On those mornings, however, I would wake in such a sexual rage that I couldn’t get off fast enough. That’s what I feel right now. One lap from his beautiful tongue and I want to come.

I deserve more than that. He deserves more than that. The nails on my left hand drag over the chair covering with the sound of a rip as my moan mingles with it. I clamp my other hand down over his on my belly. I need to feel his skin but also add weight to try and squash my urge to explode.

He doesn’t restrict me. He never has. He doesn’t ask me to hold still. He’s always cared about my freedom and my needs from the first moment. He slides his tongue forward and back slowly. The ridges it creates catches inside me. The shocks are powerful. My hips slide up. I can’t help it.

His patterns are slow at first. When he feels me start to contract from the inside out is when his passion bursts. I can feel him smile as he moves faster. Every time I moan, he does, which in turn makes me moan even harder. The low guttural growlfrom his throat is a sound I will never tire of. It’s another thing I crave.

I can feel my clit pulse with every pass over it. My head hits the back of the chair so hard I see stars. If I’m honest, I was seeing them before that. The skill at which he’s baiting me right now is like nothing I’ve ever felt. Every ounce of my body is tingling.

I reach in and grab the back of Eli’s head, tugging not so gently on his hair. His growl and accelerated mission tell me he wants me to give in. I’d love to play the game and hold out. I would. But there’s no way. I love to have control in everything sexual. I’m learning with Eli that he has a hold on me like no one ever before.

His short flicks send me into overdrive. The wave begins in two places: the tips of my toes and the roots of my hair. They roll up together, greeting me where Eli is coaxing them. I’m moving so much he wraps his hand from underneath over my thigh, so he can keep going.

The harmony from our vocals mixes and fills the space. “Oh. Fuck. Oh. Fuck. Oh. Fuck.” He moans in the spaces between my words. As I come, I arch up as he suckles me deep. He’s drawing me out. The sounds he’s making are nearly the ones I hear when he comes. Eli is getting as much pleasure as I am.

I feel like I’m floating over the both of us, in what I can only imagine is what people think of when they talk about out-of-body experiences. I know in my heart and soul this is the most intense orgasm I’ve ever felt, hands down. I don’t remember the next few seconds.

When I’m able to realize my surroundings again, he’s kissing up past my belly button, then between my breasts, and finally my lips. I can taste myself on him. When my lips have had enough for the moment, I pull him away just enough so I can whisper one thing, “My turn.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


I’m not sure how her birthday turned into a gift for me, but it did. We didn’t watch the sunrise but came damn close. I should have been exhausted, but instead, I felt energized. After a few hours of sleep, we made that breakfast she wanted and hit the slopes for a couple hours. She’d never been skiing before.

It was fascinating to see how she learns. It’s the same way she seems to dance. She watches, observes, asks a million questions, processes, and moves. It’s amazing. We were able to slowly slalom a couple of the steeper hills. I could hear her laugh the whole way down. It’s a beautiful thing to know you can bring joy to someone. If I can make her smile like this forever, I’ve got a life.



We pack up and leave mid-afternoon. The whole way down the drive I catch her looking back. I can’t place the emotions I read with her. When she’s ready, I hope she tells me. Dylan follows the same pattern she did on the way up. She’s able to play DJ forthe first ninety minutes or so then slowly falls asleep against my shoulder.

Once she’s out cold, I turn the music off. The only things I want to hear are the road beneath the tires and the gentle sound of my beautiful girl sleeping. As we reach the city limits, Dylan begins to stir. “Where are we?” she asks.

“About thirty from your place.”

“Since it’s still my birthday, I still get to choose, right?”

“Yep. You do. What is thy bidding?”

“Take me home to your place. I want to stay with you. Practically, we have a shit ton of loose ends to work on for the kickoff gala in two weeks. Selfishly, I want more of last night every night for the foreseeable future.”

I smirk. “Have I created a monster?”

“I always was one disguised as an angel.”

“Viper, you can stay with me as much as you want.”

She wraps her arms around mine and exhales so deep. “Good.”

Her body immediately relaxes again. I almost wonder if the conversation we just had was in her sleep. My lips are drawn to the top of her head. With my imprint still fresh on her hair, I whisper three words. Three words I thought were only in my head. Three words I wasn’t sure I’d ever say again. Three words I’m not ready for her to hear while she’s awake.