“One of them anyway.”

She shrugs out of the robe and lets the cold air blanket her. Instead of shrinking up, as most would, she extends her arms and goes with it. Her abandon is back. I can get drunk so easily from it. With a smile over her shoulder, she climbs the three stairs, steps out of her slides, and disappears into the steam.

Dylan sinks her whole body down until her eyes, nose, and top of her head is all I see. She trolls around the top of the water like a shark waiting for her unsuspecting prey. I’m not naïve to her existence. I’ll willfully play her bait. My Viper pushes herself to the far side when I start my ascent. I set my robe over the corner. I can’t see her mouth, but her eyes give away her smile at seeing my pale skin against the snow.

The heat takes a minute to get used to. Sensitive areas need to be met with extreme caution. However, once the shock wears off, my body begins to relax in ways I’d forgotten how. I reach back for my wine, all the while keeping Dylan in my sight. She moves a little to the left then a little to the right. It’s the dance she prefers.

“That nap did you wonders.”

She swims over to me as if she was in a full-size pool and treads water, just out of my reach. I sip my wine in gulps and rub the back of my neck with my hand. I can feel the beads of sweat begin to collect at my temples and trickle from my hair down my back.

I thread my fingers through the damp strands, slicking it back the longer the steam plays at it. With the last sip of my glass, Dylan smiles with her eyes again and disappears below the surface. I soon feel her hands on the outside of my ankles, andthey rise at the same pace her body does between my spread knees.

She floats her body forward into my waiting fingers. Her legs slide along mine until she’s straddling my lap. Her mouth parts slightly as she sucks her bottom lip in between her teeth, for in her mission to be in my lap, she’s discovered her success.

I flex my fingers over her back, leaning in to kiss the swell of her breast. With my lips ghosting her skin, I offer her a confession. “Dylan, you were inspiring and breathtaking today. I was in awe of you. I thought you deserved to know that.”

Her movements cease. I can see I’ve caught her off guard. She’s fighting saying anything. Her breath tells me so. The pound of her heart confirms it. Looking into my eyes is too much for her. Dylan turns over in my arms, resting her back against my chest.

Her sleek hair trails down my arms as she pulls them tight around her torso. My fingers dig at her skin. The bubbles from the jets tease in every direction. They ping-pong between us as we simply touch each other. Dylan’s hands become mine and mine become hers.

She guides us up the center of her chest, letting us drift both right and left. Our fingers weave together over her breasts. Her body arches back, forcing them even deeper into my hands. I push from underneath. They crest as Dylan rolls her hips back. My cock is straining beneath her. She rides the bubbles over me, giving it extra sensation.

I run my hand back down her, letting it disappear under the water. I want us to be so desperate when we leave this water that we’d consider laying in the snow to make the ache stop. Her thighs respond to my deep tissue touch. I knead into them, pushing in slow circles, higher and higher toward her apex.

I strum my fingers over her. I tap each one over her delicate skin for her to push against. Every time I let her grind down forjust a second, she exhales. Her grip over my hand at her breast begins to grow stronger and more frantic with each passing second. She has this one spot, halfway down her shoulder, where if I kiss it or give it a little nibble, she nearly loses it. As much as she wants me to stay away from it, I know she loves it.

With the second slight suckle over her skin, she starts pulsing like the driving drumbeat in the sexiest song you’ve ever experienced. Each downward drive builds a tension in me I’m not sure I can control. Who will break first? I know who I want it to be.

Everything is burning. The fire between us, our skin tender by the water, and I burn. I’m willing to be burned by her. I press the heels of my hand tight against her core and begin to rock. The heat is dizzying. Her body weight is so easily stroking me.

“God, Eli…” she cries out. My name echoes off the trees into the cold, dark night.

“I know. Ride it out.” She pushes my hand so tight it suctions to her. I can feel every individual pulse from inside her. She’s hungry and I’m starving, starving to be inside her. It’s selfish. I want to feel that. “If it wasn’t dangerous, I’d take you right here.” My brain and body are on overload. I won’t let passion win out here. “Fuck it. Fuck. It. Shower. Now. We’ll come back.”

We rise from the water in a cascading tidal wave. The ripples wash over the side, and heat sizzles against the frozen ground. We put our slides on but nothing else. The twenty-foot sprint is not enough to bother with the robes. Once we hit the doorway, our foot coverings fly to the four corners.

We tumble back to front and front to back along the wall. My hands dive up into the base of her hair, pulling and tugging on it. She reaches down and over the globes of my ass, pulling me as tight as our bodies will allow. Each thud of someone’s back pulls the air right out of us.

The bathroom lights are on over the mirror. The backlit shadows trail to the floor. I pull the shower door open, programming the water from the electronic pad. Time, pulse of the water, temperature. Now all it needs is us.

“Climb up on the counter,” I tell her. She turns and places her foot flat against the cabinet and pushes her body up. As she does, she begins to caress her skin. Dylan rides the swell of her breast with her fingers, tracing down in between them. Her hips pulse forward and back.

I knew we would end up this way. She’s the sexiest vision I’ve ever seen. The water from the overhead nozzles creates the sound of a storm. It’s the way the rain would hit the asphalt or concrete. The steam is pouring out of the open door like an arrow pointing the way.

“Keep moving just like that. Watching you on the edge is almost as beautiful as you are.”

She offers me a gentle whimper as her teasing travels south. Dylan rocks back and lets her fingers walk down, parting herself. I watch as she hooks her fingers in, and through her skin, with a deep roll to the right. She keeps slow at first. Her eyes watch me give myself a couple good pumps as an appetizer.

I take a step closer to her. “Faster,” I whisper.

She groans as I can start to see the vibrations in other parts of her body. Her left hand grips over the top of the sink next to her. She raises her right leg up, resting it on the drawer handle. I know her signs. I know her. She won’t stop if I don’t stop her.

Dylan starts to pant. Her toes curl over the brushed nickel. That’s my cue. I step between her shivering legs and grab her wrist. She opens her eyes with a stunned whimper. I don’t offer her time to be disappointed. I align my body with hers and ease my way in.

My right hand folds over her hip, pulling her close and allowing myself deep inside. My ring clicks against the mirrorbehind us as I hold her wrist to it. I pull forward and back in a passionate rhythm, the timing driven by the beat of my heart.

Her noises morph into fractions of words. The echoes give me long oh’s and the accent of the end of my name. Just when I can hear her at the edge again, I stop and rest my head against her chest. I’ve never been her edging tool.