“Look, Eli. I’m in the other wing. Just pretend I’m not here. I’m a big girl. I get it. I’ll just catch you at breakfast. Mom sent a quiche and pastries. There’s enough for all of us.” Hayley asks Dylan, “May I give you a hug? Seriously.”

“Sure.” Dylan nods.

I only saw Hayley and Tori hug once. It was on our wedding day. It should have been a sign. I know Hayley was young, but she is beyond important to me. Bond with her. I think the older Hayley got and the more she was out in the world, she came to understand what was coming for me before I did. Wes being in our corner was one thing. Hayley knowing and approving sets a whole different tone. Dylan and I just hit another level.

Dylan offers to go upstairs to give Hayley and me a second alone. I watch her back until I can’t see her milky skin any longer. “You absolutely never looked at Tori like that. Not likeever. Holy shit, Eli.”

“Please don’t make more of this than it is right now.”

“And what’s that, Brother? Tell me? You like her. You’re clearly having lots of sex with her. She makes you smile. What more is there?”

“Look, I just want to keep things light and fun. So does she. There is another piece to this that you’re missing. She’s one ofmy interns. Dad would flip out and Pops would be pissed. Please just keep this to yourself. If you need to dish, call Wes.”

“You’re worried about me andheknows?” Hayley laughs. “You’re joking, right? His mouth is almost as big as his ego.”

“I hadn’t intended on anyone knowing nor did she. It was something we decided together. She’s got amazing ideas. She’s in the top of her class. She’s got passion for days.”

“And youlikeher. Don’t freak. Your secret is safe with me. Do you need me to make a pinky promise like I did when I was a kid?”

“No, Kiddo.” I press my lips to her forehead. “I don’t.”

“Go be with her, Eli. I promise I’ll keep my earbuds in.” She smiles.

I point toward her room. “Shut it. Go.”

I climb the steps slowly until I hear Hayley’s giggles fade and her door close. My focus then switches from my sister to what is on the other side of my bedroom door. The solid French doors are open just a crack. As I push them wider, I see Dylan standing on the balcony in the moonlight. She’s swaying a little forward and back, as if she was standing on the bow of a ship. She’s my Rose.

As I shut us in and lock the door, the sound of the click carries into the night and her. She turns her head over her right shoulder a bit. “So… you like me?”

I take a couple steps forward before answering her, “Yes. I believe I do.”

“That’s good to know.” She steps out of her heels, leaving one on the balcony and one in the doorway. She literally walks right out of them. Her steps become more catlike as she pulls her hair back over her right shoulder again. Dylan eases the loops over her covered buttons, letting her neckline dangle loose.

We meet barely an inch apart in the center of the room. She reaches out and tugs underneath my sweater to free my T-shirt,giving access to her skin on mine. A chill shoots through my entire body. She begins to slide both pieces up as I grab hold of them from the back. As a team, we pull them off and to the floor.

Dylan artfully takes her thumb and traces a line inside my belt buckle before loosening it and letting it hang against me. The tiny straps from the back of her dress are calling for me to move them. I pull them back like strings on a bow to lower them past her elbows. They only fall so far without an assist from the barely-there zipper.

That’s not the only thing that’s bare. Her chest is bare beneath the confines of the dress, as well as what’s beneath the two ruffles of the short skirt. I exhale in a rush at the sight of her as the fabric floats down her body to the floor.

“Jesus Christ. You were like that the whole time?”

“I decided if we were going to start a new eight count, I wanted you to remember the first beat.”

“Viper, I never forget a good lyric.”

I physically can’t stand being separated from her anymore. My arms wrap her up at her waist and just under her arm, pulling her off the ground to press her into me. She’s slightly chilled to the steam I nearly feel radiating all around. I walk with her in my arms, setting her gently on the edge of the bed.

Dylan slowly lies back, allowing her arms to splay over her head. As I simply stare in awe at her perfect body, with a smirk she rotates in the center of the bed. Her hands reach behind her and she slowly winds her fingers around the slats of the footboard. Her toes tug at the fabric of the duvet while her knees bend slightly and move like palms in a slow breeze. I know her body. This means she’s ready. She’s been ready.

My shoes find a new home deep under the bed, as I free myself from the confines of my clothes. I climb up and over her body. My knees part hers as I settle back on my heels. I can feel mychest heaving as I look down the bed at her body open and waiting for me.

“Do you know how powerful you look, Eli? How beautiful?”

“You do this, Dylan.”

She looks like an angel lying on a cloud. Her hands are stretched through the wood rails holding on. The tension in her body calls to me. “Let me watch you just for a minute,” she requests.

I’m already nearly painfully hard from the stunning sight laid out before me. I don’t think I’d ever deny her a thing. I rock back to my heels and allow her eyes to laser focus on me. I need to palm myself and give in to the tensity.