Watching Dylan and Wes is a different experience. His respect for her was instant. I could tell she held back at first. That’s her defense mechanism, but by the end of dinner, she let him in as well. There was a playfulness and synergy between them I was so grateful for.

Dylan’s voice cuts through the stillness I feel before sleep. “You haven’t stopped smiling.”

“I’m just happy.”

“Can you tell me why?”

“I’ve never seen someone handle Wes the way you did. He loved the hell out of it and so did I.”

“I don’t like the feeling of having to prove myself, so if I end up in that place, I make it go away fast. I wanted him to know where he stood with me and how you and I are together.”

“You did that and more, Viper.” I stroke her hair back from her cheek with my fingers in tiny feather light pulls. “When are your rehearsals this weekend?”

“I’m going over costume design at lunch tomorrow after class and before I finish the afternoon at work. I decided to give them Saturday off, but we have a late three-hour marathon Sunday night. That’s the only time I could book the space. Why?”

“Can you fit some overnight things into a backpack?”

“Yeah. Where are we going?”

“Back to the start. I want to go to the Hamptons overnight. The drive should be stellar with the leaves changing. One last ride for the season.”

“Ride? Like on a motorcycle maybe?” I can feel the pleased curl of her lips against my skin.

“Does that surprise you?”

“More like excite me.”

“I like when you get excited.” I slide her body on top of mine.

“Oh, I know.” She smiles.

We leave the city in our rearview at about five on Friday. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it,Dylan didn’t get a chance to change before we took off. Just outside of the prying eyes of the city limits, she unbuckles and dives into the back seat of my car.

With the skill of someone who might have done this before, she goes from my project manager to my Viper in five minutes flat. Flat was the key word. She’d smile then disappear from view for a second. Her heels were a tease as they flew over the seat at me.

I heard the zipper on her backpack about the same time as I saw her flip her hair in my rearview mirror. The hair tie was gone; her wild waves were back. I reach up to tilt the mirror so I can take in more of the show. First her skirt disappears, and her jeans rise. Then as she catches me watching her, Dylan smiles at me with her eyes before opening her blouse one button at a time.

I’m blessed with red silk today. Her tank top slides on so easily, just before my favorite white sneakers come barreling over to land beside her heels. She nibbles on my ear as she climbs by and puts her seat belt back on. “You’re bad,” I tell her.

“You like it,” she responds, as she pulls her toes up to the edge of her seat. “So, are Jack and your mom going to be there?”

“They have dinner with friends tonight at six. My mom is not fond of being late so they should be gone.”

“Do I get a tour of your parents’ house, specifically your old room?”

I laugh. “Maybe next time. I’m a little nervous. It’s a big deal we’re taking this small risk.”

“I get it, Goose, but think of it as foreplay.”

“Everything you do is.”

I park in my spot in the driveway, leaving the keys in the lockbox where the key to my bike is. “I’ll give you Hayley’s riding jacket and helmet to wear. I think you’re about the same size.” I hold the helmet while she slides into the leather. There’s only one word that comes to mind once she’s set.


I’ve never been so hard on a ride before. The events are on loop. She flips her hair and tightens the strap under her chin. She straddles that bike like it was made for her. Her arms wrap around me and each time she changes her grip on a turn, it sends rapid fire straight to my cock. Every once in a while I’d hear her laugh in the wind. I love the pure joy she has of being in each and every moment. God this was a good idea.

I let Dylan off the bike with our packs before I back it into the garage once we reach the Hamptons. She pulls off her helmet and begins to check everything out. “Welcome to the family home,” I tell her.