“What the fuck, man. Don’t you knock?” I ask, as I try in vain to free the blanket from the back of the couch to cover Dylan and me.

“Do you think you would have heard me? Yeah, right.”

Dylan starts laughing beneath the protection of my body. “Maverick, right?”

“In the flesh.” Wes winks as he makes himself at home in the chair on the other side of the coffee table.

Dylan slides up as I try to cover us, but she wraps the blanket around my lower half and not her. “Well, Mav, since you’re too late to join in, I’ll go toss on a T-shirt and cook for you both. I’m suddenly very hungry.”

With a kiss on my cheek, she wriggles out from under me walking slowly to my bedroom with the same sway I got the first night we met. Being caught didn’t faze her. Being naked in front of Wes didn’t faze her. I’m equal parts stunned, and not, by her reaction.

As we hear the bathroom door close, Wes leans in with his mouth hanging open. “Dude, she’s phenomenal.”

“Don’t talk about her like that. Ever,” I warn him.

“Jesus, fuck off. I meant she’s amazing. Most would have been eeek and run away. She was all take a picture it’ll last longer. Fucking phenomenal. Oh, and a favor please, can you put it away?” I look down at the blanket edges hanging open and quickly stand up to wrap it like a towel at my waist. “Blonde. Wild hair don’t care. Is that Viper?”

“Her name is Dylan Cooper but yes, that’s her.”

“You’ve been holding out on me, you asshole. This wasn’t a booty call. Give me the short version quick before she comes back.”

I sigh as I rub the back of my neck, which I’m sure is either red with embarrassment or with marks from Dylan’s nails. “She turned up in Will Stone’s seminar I do every year. There she was second row center. I called her to his office after to talk.”

“You’re knocking all the fantasies off with one woman. First it was fuck in public, now the teacher/student vibe. Who are you and bravo.”

“Jesus Christ. Locker room later, which by the way you’re not getting any play-by-play. After the seminar, I invited herto dinner here. Dinner turned into dessert, which turned into breakfast, which….” I pause.

“Which what? Don’t leave me hanging,” he begs.

“Made her a part of this year’s AnSa intern class.” Before Wes can say a word that matches his I fucking knew it smile, I continue, “Don’t even say it. I can see it in your fucking grin. She’s brilliant, passionate, and amazingly intelligent. She’s already going to head the revamp project for Sam’s foundation.”

“Damn. She’s wound up in you. I mean awesome, but…”

“But what?”

“I don’t need to say it. You already know.”

“Maybe he does, but I don’t know if I do. Tell me what you’re thinking, Mav, that’s if you have the balls to say it to my face,” Dylan challenges Wes.

He quickly puts his hands up. “Look I don’t want to start shit. I just don’t want to see Eli hurt.”

I take a step forward when Dylan shoots me a look. It’s funny how, with some people, it takes years, and sometimes never, to understand thoughts without words from someone you care about. Dylan is so open and honest. I’ve never seen her hide. She feels what she feels and says what she says with sass blended with kindness. She’s completely unapologetic and it’s one of the sexiest things about her.

Dylan steps in between Wes and me. With a fierceness, she crosses her arms and looks him in the eye. “If you don’t want to start shit, don’t. I don’t need to fuck to get things. Eli and I are having fun. I know what he’s been through. We’ve talked about pretty much everything. He can be who he wants to be with me. I think he’s even figuring out that there are things he wants he didn’t know he did. So, if you want to get to know me, and how we revolve together, stick around. If not, you know the way out.”

Instead of waiting for his response, Dylan turns with a kiss for me on the cheek. “I left the joggers for you this time.” As shewalks toward the kitchen, she hollers back at us, “I hope chicken and veggies are okay.”

Wes stands stunned for a split second before a wicked smile and silent chuckle wash over him. “Like I said, fucking phenomenal.”

Chapter Eighteen


Wes and Victoria knew each other from day one. They were always friendly to each other. They cared about one another. The one thing that was always missing between them however was respect.

Tori didn’t always respect my need for time with him. He’s like a brother to me. We’ve been through more things than I care to think about on his side and mine. When I spend time with him, it’s family time to me. She saw him as a rival in many ways.

Wes didn’t respect her, because I think over time, he watched my flame go out. I felt it. I didn’t want to acknowledge it. My marriage model was about compromise and making it work. Clearly, in the end, Tori was not of that same opinion.