“Did you close the blinds on purpose?” she asks.

“They’ve been closed all day. Less distractions.”

“Until me, right?”

“Yes. Forgive me, but you’re stunning.”

“Is that Eli or Mr. Sawyer talking?”

“Both. They’re both giving you compliments to be sure, but one of them is definitely thinking much dirtier thoughts.”

“I like whomever that is. How do you want this to work today? Will you be asking me anything or just staring?”

“I have one question, then yes, thirty minutes of staring.”

“What’s the question?”

“What time can you be here in the morning?”

Chapter Sixteen


Her navy blue jacket is carefully folded over the white chair in the corner of the room, on top of mine. That long, lean skirt is lying across the arm of the same chair. My suit pants are a rumpled mess beneath it. Her seafoam top is in its own pool on the floor, with my tie woven through it. Those heels were ignored as promised until they came to my front door at about six.

I asked her to leave them on, to which she responded yes. They now reside one at each corner of the bed. My hand lazily strokes up and down her spine, as the weight of her body pins my torso to my mattress. Her bun was pulled away pin by pin in a slow seduction, before her suit ended up where it is now.

As my fingertips cross her right hip, she sighs. “That sounded like it came from your toes.”

“That’s what happens when your fantasy comes true.”

I smirk against the top of her head. “Which is?”

“You in that suit was the climax of my professor fantasy.”

“Interesting choice of words.”

“Here’s another one for you then.” Dylan gives the air between us a dramatic pause before she rests her chin on my chest. “How long do we have before the pizza gets here?”

As I answered the door for the pizza delivery, Dylan raided my closet again finding my old lacrosse jersey. It sure as hell looks better on her than it ever did on me. She greets me in the hallway snatching the pizza box from my hands. “I’ll take that.”


“Oh, calm down, grumpy. Go in the kitchen and get us some water. I’m going to set up an indoor picnic.”

She pushes the living room furniture into a configuration of her liking, then plops down cross-legged on the floor. She winds her wild mane around her hand, laying it down her back. I stare at her from feet away and I know, for my sake and hers, I have to find a way to be near her and not want to be near her.

I settle in beside her with my legs fully stretched out and my toes weaving into the rug. My bare feet on the carpet is one of those self-soothing things I’ve done since I was a child. “Since we didn’t get to talk much this afternoon due to my clear distraction, may we do that now?”

“I figured we would. I didn’t know how you’d respond to me today. Once I saw your obvious reaction, I kind of played it up. Watching you sweat is becoming one of my favorite things.”

“You’re the only one who gets that response from me. Feel honored.”

“I absolutely do.” She takes a glorious bite out of her pizza with a groan of approval I’ve grown to love. “So, what should I expecttomorrow? We’ll be in a group setting, right? I imagine I won’t see you much.”

“Actually, I supervise all the interns. That’s why this will be delicate. As it turns out, you and your teammates come at a good time. AnSa is taking on a more personal project of sorts. It’s for a friend of the family.”

“Who is it?”