I take a step closer to her, leaning against the cabinet. Dylan never looks up at me. When I’m this close to her, she usually stares right into my eyes. It’s that sexy version of chicken she likes to play and she wins every time. Right now, she’s in her head. It’s another first between us. “Does it have an answer?”

The sizzle of a new batch of batter begins. She braces her hands against the stove and rocks back a little. “You know CGI, right?”

“Cooper Group Incorporated. Yes. They specialize in large brand concepts and rebrands from the bottom up.”

“Yep. The bigger the dollar signs, the more my father is interested.”

“Paul is your father.” Instead of towering next to her, I cross behind her, hopping up on the counter where she sat last night. “I should have put two and two together.”

“Eli, you asked me how I want to be seen. I want to be seen as me. I have my own thoughts and ideas. My father likes notoriety and dollars. He’s not a bad person for wanting that. I get it. It’s the nature of it for him. He wants to be able to say he made them soar. Cool. If I have to end up in this industry, I want it to mean more than that.”

“End up? This choice to come to AnSa is about much more than the decision of here or there, clearly. Okay, perfect world. Where would you want to be next year?”

The shock on her face that I would even ask is evident. The answer flows out of her like water over a dam. “I want to be a principal in a contemporary dance company until I can’t dance anymore. Then, I want to get the word out about the companies after, so I can still be near it. I want to contribute by making the arts and causes known so they can help more people. What does changing the outside of a soda can do to make that happen? Nothing. If one charity, one program, one dance company can change one life, that’s everything right there.”

The rubber spatula scrapes against the bottom of the pan, giving a little chill, creating sound that echoes off the walls. I rest my comforting hand around hers. “Have you ever said that out loud before?”

“No. Never.”

“How did it feel?” With that same hand, I reach my fingers up to tilt her chin to look at me.

“Honestly? Pretty fucking great.”

“Why aren’t you a dance major then? Selfishly, I’m glad you’re not or AnSa would lose a great candidate, but if that’s your passion, you should give it your all.”

“Going all wise professor on me?” she teases.

“Take it however you want but answer the question. It matters.”

Dylan plates the last pancake before switching off the stove. She gently forces my knees apart so she can walk in between them. I smooth the hair back from her face, massaging her blushed cheeks with my thumbs. Her fingers walk up my thighs to my rib cage, subtly tracing them over and over. “It’s not that I don’t want to be part of the industry my father’s in, but we have very different philosophies and timelines, as I’ve said. Dance is a hobby for them. It’s breathing to me.

“He’s verymy way or the highway. That doesn’t work for me in business or in my life. If I do well on this senior project, I’ll get an audition for one or more companies, depending on the interest in me. My parents don’t know about it. If I do decide to interview with AnSa, I don’t want them to know that either.”

“I wouldn’t tell them. It’s not my place. I don’t run into Paul unless it’s at a conference. Look, you need an internship to graduate. I’m offering you a shot at a place where you can carve your own path and have a voice. If that appeals to you, I’ll set the interview up.”

“Youappeal to me.” She pushes up on her toes to ghost her lips across mine. This trust and vulnerability she’s placing at my feet right now is hotter than her body in my hands. “Yes.”

“Yes, you’ll interview?” She nods her head slowly before resting it against my chest. I wrap my arms tight around her. In such a short amount of time, I feel so protective of her. Not that she needs it. She’s fiercer than I’ve even given her credit for. “Dylan, one more thing. I would like to continue this, whatever it is, we have going on between us. The only thing I would ask isthat we keep our relationship out of the office. I owe that to my grandfather, my father, my staff, and most importantly, you.”

“So, quickies while the blinds are pulled or tossing me down on a conference table are out of the question?”

I smile. “I’ll make up for it in other ways.”

After we finish eating, we linger, woven together for about an hour on the couch as the sun ducks in and out of the clouds washing light over us. Our conversation is surprisingly easy. I don’t toss up any walls and neither does she.

I want to know everything about her dancing since it’s what drew me in to begin with. The longer she talks about it, her demeanor changes. She’s still this innately sexual woman I’m completely attracted to, but she also has this childlike excitement when she’s talking about movement or the emotion behind it.

Dylan talks about how she feels about being an artist and how she uses her body instead of words or paintbrushes to create a story. I’d never thought about it like that. However, I know Aristotle did. He said,“Dance is rhythmic movement whose purpose is to represent man’s characters as well as what they do and or suffer.”Without knowing it, she’s created another kinship for us.

Instead of taking her home, she had only enough time for me to drop her at the rehearsal space. I let her keep the joggers. Not only did she look adorable in them, she could go straight to work on her piece in them, and in my mind, I would be with her. I don’t want to think too far ahead. That wouldn’t be good for either of us.

We sit together in my car until the last possible second before I lean over the console and give my Viper a long, slow, deep kiss that I wish could have lasted for days. I tookherbreath away for once. She exits and runs up the sidewalk. Dylan offers meanother double spin and a smile before she disappears behind the side entrance door.

My head falls back over the headrest with a low groan. I said I was fucked before. Now, I know I am for sure. She’s headstrong, smart, sensuous, and sexy. I push the search button on my steering wheel, waiting on the next choice in my music shuffle. I’m greeted by the ferocious strum of a guitar and one word, yeah. I’m taken on a ride with Bono singing about desire. I just watched mine dance away. For now.

Being alone so long is truly leaving me mindfucked at the moment. After Tori, I wasn’t good company for anyone. I had too many things to work through. I was content enough going to work and coming home. I had what I felt was enough contact from being at the office, running in the park, and spending time with Wes and my family.

What the last couple of weeks have shown me is, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Now that I’ve had a taste of the flip side, I don’t want it any other way. I would be happy if Dylan would come back and simply stay. I didn’t notice the quiet before. It’s now the loudest thing.