“Since day one. I um… there’s one more elephant in the room.”

She offers me her last meatball. “What’s that?”

“Stay with me through breakfast?”

“Only if you let me make it.”

Chapter Fifteen


It ended up being about one in the morning when we finally went to bed. It was near two before we actually went to sleep. I got my wish about feeling her mouth wrapped around me. I’m amazed my headboard didn’t snap under the pressure of my hands. I lay there in a silent haze until I could feel I was near sleep. It was hard to know what to do next. If she were my girlfriend or wife, I’d pull her to my chest and hold on. We’re clearly not there yet.


Dylan rolls to the right side of the bed. Her hair is all wild and tangled across the pillow. She has the sheet and plush blanket pulled up into her fist next to her cheek. Her left hand extends out into the middle of the bed. I can feel the slight ghost of her fingers at my side. Before I cave to blissful exhaustion, I take her hand in mine, pulling it tight to my chest.

As I let the light in, what I can only assume is hours later, my hand is still in the same place only it’s empty. A wave of regret washes over me. She’s disappeared again. I sit up and dejectedlypull my legs over the side of the bed. My pants are still balled up where I left them. I slide them on, deciding to make coffee to cure my Dylan hangover, as if that would even remotely do it.

The closer I get to the door, I think I smell coffee already brewing. Is it wishful thinking? I pry the door open and music is what I hear. Did we leave my streaming going? As I listen harder, it’s an EDM spa-style set. This isn’t anything I have.

“Sleep well?”

Dylan’s sexy voice radiates from the floor. She’s moved my box-like coffee table over and is stretching out on my rug. My white T-shirt is back covering her body, and she seems to have found a pair of my jogging pants from the chest of drawers. They’ve been rolled up about three times over her ankles. I can’t imagine how they’ll even stay on over her hips.

“I thought you’d left.”

“And miss the best meal of the day? Not on your life.”

“How’d you sleep?” I ask.

“Good. Really good, actually. I was extra tired, I think.” I crouch down beside her, tucking a stray hair behind her ear before I kiss her lips gently. “The pancake batter is all set to go.”

“Sounds good.” I trail my fingers up and down her spine. “What time is your rehearsal?”

“At two. Why?”

“I want to have your special pancakes then drive you home. My turn to sit on the counter.”

“Good thing I like to be watched. Help me up and I’ll put on a show for you.”

“You’ve already done that more than once.” With her hands in mine, she vaults to her feet, gracefully tossing her arms around my neck. I cup her face in my hands and slowly massage the skin just below her ears. “The interviews are on Monday. Are you in?”

“Is that a good idea?”

I reach in with my lips to nibble on her ear. “You tell me. I already know what I think.”

“How will this work? That is, if I agree.” She wiggles out of my grasp, nearly dancing to the kitchen. I stand in place for a moment regaining my composure and control before I follow her. When I round the cupboard, I find her already concentrating on the stove.

By the looks of my kitchen, she’s been up for a while. The juice is in a small pitcher on the counter, with a bowl of fresh cut fruit below it. The place settings are stacked on the counter, and the dishes from last night are already done. I tried so hard to get rid of traces of Tori in this space. In an instant, I won’t be able to see anyone but Dylan now.

“Dylan, are you wanting my elevator pitch about why you should intern at AnSa? Because if you are, then it’s not the place for you. I told you I think you’re a good fit, and I want to see what your ideas would do in the right environment. Most students would take that as a compliment.”

“Is that what I am? A student?”

“How do you want to be seen?”

The sizzle from the pan as she flips the half-done pancake over seems to mirror something simmering in her just below the surface. “Interesting question.”