“We pride ourselves on making our business about the nonprofit sector and how any voices, no matter how small they may seem, can and will have their causes heard. Most firms generally specialize in, or have, one focus area. We strive for more of a hybrid model. We are able to help facilitate multiple aspects, so continuity of idea and care is maintained.”

I finally look up from my notes to quickly scan the crowd. Most are either taking handwritten notes or typing furiously on their laptops. I have a rogue warrior who’s lost in his phone, and one in the dead center of the second row back is staring right through me.

I had my glasses off until now to maintain that performance distance for myself. Now that I’ve gotten my feet wet, I can putthem on and continue. As I slide them on my face, the room becomes crystal clear, as well as the one person in the room who is intent on full eye contact.

I don’t need to put a glass slipper on her foot to know this is my Cinderella from the other night. Viper has flown back in as promised, when I least, and honestly never, expected it. Her lips curl in the most perfect smile. She is nibbling on the end of her pen.Oh, that lucky fucking pen.

Clearing my throat is hard. Moving right now from behind this podium would be even harder and, within a few more seconds, quite embarrassing. “I’m sorry,” I apologize. “As I was saying, our company prides itself on being able to consult, take that consult and turn it into developing full-scale communications that will be able to translate in all aspects of the brand, from digital or virtual marketing, public relations, and social media, just to highlight a few.”

Viper pulls the pen from the gentle grind between her teeth and raises it in the air. “Excuse me, Mr. Sawyer.” I take a deep breath. My name on her lips shouldn’t be as exciting as it is, especially not in this setting. “But don’t you feel that being the best at one aspect is better than being more than average at all of them? No disrespect intended.”

“None taken, Miss…”

“Cooper. Dylan Cooper. Back to my question, doing one thing well has value, doesn’t it?” she asks.

“Yes. Of course it does. However, if you really want to get to know someone, you dive in and learn everything. That’s the sign of a true partnership. It’s more than the surface. It becomes about being inside. If you feel it, your audience will too.”

I hear all the words coming out of my mouth, and it’s hard to determine now whether I’m talking about business or her. She knows it. She’s baiting me the first day, first class to see if I will crack.I can fly under the radar, Viper. Trust me.

We entertain this back-and-forth for the entire hour. She listened as others chimed in. She asked layered questions. Her tenacity was inspiring, innovative, and evocative. There were times I gripped the edges of the lectern so hard I heard it crack.

As the students begin to file out at the end of class, my eyes connect with Dylan. She’s collecting her things.It’s now or neverI tell myself. “Excuse me, Miss Cooper. Would you have a moment to speak with me?”

“Yes, I would.”

She pulls her lip balm from her pocket and swipes it slowly over her beautiful lips. I follow the trail earnestly. “Do you know where Professor Stone’s office is?”

“Yes, Mr. Sawyer. I’ll be there. Soon.”

If Will knew what was about to happen in this room, he’d be so angry with me. Holding the key carefully in my hand, I unlock the door to his campus office. He knew I’d need it in case I’d have to meet with students, do the intern interviews, and weave in AnSa business during the day in order to be able to help him out longer term. I don’t think he had in mind a reconnect with one of his students who I danced with and publicly fucked in a club.

I place my bag in the chair as I fumble for the light on his desk. The bag tumbles to the floor at the base of the chair. I crouch down to pick it up and all the contents that have seeped to the floor. “Fuck.”

“We’ve already done that. Shouldn’t you at least offer dinner first this time?” My head whips up at her voice, and I take the back of it into the oversized handle on the long drawer. She giggles a bit. “Oh my God. Are you okay?”

I rock back to sit on my heels until the stars in my eyes fade along with the pain. “Shit. This is attractive, right?”

“I think so. I mean. You’re on your knees, almost at my feet.”

She’s so fucking cocky. I’m completely screwed. “Could you close the door so we can talk?”

The lock on the door meets its cradle and the rest of the world is washed away. She bends down beside me. Now I have a closer look in a way the classroom couldn’t offer. Her wild mane is tamed today by a dark fabric scrunchie wound all around her curls on the top of her head. The toes of her famous to me white sneakers are peeking out of her sleek side-snap track pants. A soft patch of skin on her shoulder is right next to my lips, as her wide neck sweater sags slightly to the left.

The vanilla scent of her hair mixes with a sweet apple coming from her skin. If this wasn’t Will’s office, we weren’t on campus, and this wasn’t technically an interview, she’d be bent over this desk. I’ve been in her presence less than three hours in total, and she’s driven me to the point of madness for her.

“Are you going to talk or just memorize me?”

“Both, if I was allowed.”

“We do what we want, right?”

“That’s not how my world works.”

“Too bad for your world. Want me this close or on the other side of the desk?”

I smirk and play along. “First one, then the other. Let’s start on the other side.”

“If I don’t, you won’t make it to the other. I get it.”