“It’s not just you, Elijah, it’s everyone. I’ve learned over the years, in some cases, it’s better that way. It may seem like turmoil at the time, but this too shall pass. It’s a season turning over.”

She’s right. I know she’s right. Feeling it is another. I hope that comes sooner rather than later.


The pride in my grandparents’ faces at the dinner table could not be contained. My grandfather sits at the far head of the table with my grandmother to his right. My father sits to his left with my mother beside him. I take the seat next to my grandmother, at her request, with Hayley across from me. It is a formal picnic.

We sit with the sliding doors open to allow the breeze in and the sounds of the water rolling against the shore. I’m allowed to play grill master for the first time in my adult life. Count it as another in the line of positive changes placed before me. Fear is the enemy.Sam Fucking Roark.That’s what I keep saying over in my head when the doubt creeps in. The longer I’m here, the more I laugh, the more I realize that’s what it is. Everything else is an excuse.

Wes blows in like a storm around eight thirty as we’re putting the food away and doing the dishes. He immediately begins flirting with Gran, which she loves. He gets a huge plate of food out of it. Evie sits on one side and Hayley on the other. He tells stories of his week and the two dates it contained.

Just like Wes, always with a story. I’m thankful he kept it PG for this company at least. I’m sure I’ll get the unedited version later. “Ready for flight?” he asks after a wink to my Gran.

“Ready as I’m going to be.”

Chapter Eight


It’s been a couple seasons since I’ve been involved in the Hampton club scene. We end up at one of our old favorite stomping grounds. It will be a softer spot to land for me, and Wes seems to rule wherever he’s at. We pile in a rideshare from my family’s home, and somehow Hayley convinces us to take her as well. She has several friends, along with other NYU students she knows, who are having one last party weekend before class begins next Wednesday.

Upon exiting the car, Wes is immediately shaking hands with security.What a suck-up, I laugh. We walk through the door toward the music, and everyone knows his name including the new chef, who is taking a tour through the patrons, and the owner. Hayley gives me a side-glance and rolls her eyes. I chuckle again and pull her close. She knows exactly who he is.

She wraps her arms around me and leans in. “No cockblocking tonight.”

“Did you seriously just say that to me? That’s an image I didn’t need.”

“I look hot, and I want to have a good time. Just let me have fun.”

“I won’t police you as long as you’re safe and you go home with us at the end of the night.”

“Deal. I’ll text my code word in group to you and Wes if I need out of a douchebag scenario.” She pushes up to kiss my cheek. “See you at two.”

Hayley melts off into the crowd. I follow her white dress and blonde hair to the far bar. She’s greeted with what appears to be a couple screams and definitely hugs. She’s got her friends. It’s time for me to settle into one of my least favorite pastimes of late. Being Wes’s wingman.

I tap him on the shoulder and point to the bar farthest away from the direction Hayley went. I won’t have to watch the swarm of guys around her, and she won’t feel like she can’t be herself. It’s only eleven thirty, but this place is jam-packed.

Wes leans in. “What do you feel like? Beer? Crown and Coke?”

“Let’s go with Crown. Tell them a tall.”

A smile plasters over his face. “Eli came to play. Nice.” He pats my back and pushes his way to the bar to order. I back out of the way and stand next to the doors leading to the patio. The more things change, the more things stay the same I’ve found. Being here is no exception.

Everything in the layout is just as I remember. The club is long and narrow. The DJ is strategically placed in the corner. He’s doing a great mix so far. It’s got that pounding house beat under any song you can think of from Beyoncé to an eighties classic from Madonna, both of which have played since we walked in the door.

There’s enough light in the space to make sure you aren’t falling over each other, but not too much so it distracts from the beachy nightclub atmosphere. Wes returns and sets my drink in one hand and offers me a shot for the other.

“Fuck. Seriously?”

“Look, man. I know it’s a big deal for you to be out tonight. Just loosen up and have fun. A little Fireball never hurt anyone.”

“Said no one ever.” I look down at my two-fisted scenario, deciding to roll with it. “See you in hell.” I clink my shot glass against his.

He smiles and winks. “Talk to me, Goose.”

I laugh and we tip the shots back. Holy shit. That burns into my chest. I quickly chase it with my tall cocktail, as if I had any hope of putting out the flames.

Wes tries to shake his off. “Now that you’re on your way to Chillville, let’s find you a lovely lady to talk to.”