Page 71 of Famous Last Words

I want so badly to make a good impression—better than the first one—on the twins. To somehow show them they can rely on me, trust me. That I’ll always be there for them from now on.

My stomach is in knots. The adrenaline flowing through my veins has kept me on a high. Not even the text made me feel better. With a deep breath, I climb out and smooth my shirt. I brought small gifts for them, not sure what seven-year-olds even like. But it doesn’t matter—the only thing that’s important is being here now.

* * *

Seraphina’s house is charming. The front yard bursts with flowers and has a detached car garage. This is nothing like the grand mansion she grew up in, but it fits her personality. I’m admiring the tidy exterior and trying to work up my nerve to walk toward the front porch when the front door suddenly swings open.

There stands Ewan with his messy dark hair. He gives me an unimpressed once-over. “The doorbell is right there,” he informs me flatly, pointing at the contraption.

“Oh, uh, of course,” I stammer, feeling like I already have a strike against me.

“Okay, I’m going to close the door, and you try it, okay? We’re waiting patiently in the kitchen,” he states, but then his gaze drops to the gift bags in my hands. “Presents. Nice touch. But you might want to cool it on the amount of flowers you keep sending Mom. We’re out of space.”

I can’t help but let out a surprised huff of laughter as this pint-sized person sasses me. “I’ll keep that in mind,” I assure him wryly.

“Or you could just buy her a bigger house. Up to you,” Ewan suggests with a nonchalant shrug.

I arch an eyebrow, amused by his audacity. “A bigger house, huh?”

“That’s what Aunt Blythe said the other day,” Ewan says with a shrug. “‘Just ask him to get you a mansion or something big.’”

Seraphina’s voice calls out. “Ewan? Where did you run off to?”

“I’m explaining doorbell logistics to Mr. Dad,” he yells back casually.

“You could just call me Dad, you know,” I suggest.

His bright blue eyes narrow appraisingly, eyebrows drawing together as he purses his lips. He looks me up and down, head tilted slightly like he’s assessing whether I meet some invisible standard.

After a prolonged, considering stare, he gives a little huff through his nose and shakes his head almost imperceptibly. It’s clear that I haven’t proven myself worthy of being called Dad yet.

This stings, but I understand. We’re just meeting each other, and I have to prove myself. Sending flowers to his mother and bringing presents isn’t enough.

Seraphina’s exasperated tone grows nearer. “I thought I told you to wait in the kitchen?”

Ewan gives me a long-suffering look. “I’m trying to help. He was sick, remember?” His gaze drops to my injured hand. “Are you able to play music yet?”

I can’t help but smile at his curiosity. “Not very well yet, but I’m working on it.”

At that moment, Seraphina appears behind Ewan, gently steering him back. “Sorry, he’s impatient and nosy,” she says, kissing the top of his head.

“It’s ok, we were just getting acquainted,” I assure her.

I step closer and crouch down to Ewan’s level. I meet his bright blue eyes directly. “Thanks for the doorbell lesson. Why don’t we head inside now? Hopefully, the presents I brought are up to your standard. We might be able to play with them too.”

His face lights up, and he eagerly grabs my hand, pulling me into the house.

Just then, Aria peeks out from behind Seraphina and gives a little wave. “Hi! How’s your hand doing?” She studies it.

“Much better now, thanks,” I assure her.

She beams, rocking back on her heels. “I knew that kiss would help make it better. Mom always kisses our boo-boos, and we get better fast.”

I glance at Seraphina in amusement. “Oh really? Your mom’s kisses have magic healing powers?” I tease.

“Duh, of course, they do,” Ewan states, as if it’s the most obvious thing. “You just gotta let her kiss it, and it’ll be all fixed in no time.”

“Well, in that case . . .” Unable to resist, I turn my palm up toward Seraphina. “Care to speed up the recovery, Doctor Sephie?”