Page 57 of Famous Last Words

Sephie: It’s not about that. It’s about you getting the rest you need.

I smirk to myself. That didn’t seem to push her, but maybe this will.

Brahms: There are rooms ready for them, right? Or are you using all six rooms for your own guests?

Sephie: There are rooms available like you requested.

Her calm responses are frustrating. I’m waiting for her to slip up and reveal something. I press further, trying to catch her off guard.

Brahms: Good, then we’ll probably see you tomorrow morning at breakfast.

Sephie: They have to stay in their rooms until seven-thirty.

There it is, a rule that wasn’t there before just appeared. And I suddenly put two and two together. When the nurses or Marcus aid me in the morning they make sure I’m downstairs after eight, never before that.

Brahms: That’s an odd request. Why the curfew? What are you hiding from me, Seraphina?

There’s a longer delay before she responds this time. Got her.

Sephie: Nothing, I just think it’d be best if they stick to those hours.

My fingers dance over the keys. I don’t know why this is giving me pleasure. It’s like a cat playing with his food before eating the pretty little mouse.

Brahms: You’re definitely hiding something. Do you have a boyfriend you don’t want me to know about?

I lean back, smirking as I try to picture her face reading my texts. Come on, Sephie, give me your best shot. But her silence is maddening. The screen remains still with no indication she’s typing. The pull to needle her further is irresistible.

Brahms: So, you’ve found someone. I always knew you would. Beautiful, intelligent, and compassionate. Any guy would be damn lucky to be with you. Though, it hurts knowing you moved on from me.

I hesitate before adding more, unsure if I should reveal what I know. But I have to try something.

Brahms: It stings to think you’ve forgotten about us, our plans. Remember, we would marry, and have a family? I wanted a little girl who looked just like you. You claimed it’d be impossible because of genetics, but I still believe that it would’ve happened.

That has to spark some guilt for keeping me from my own children, as much as I understand her reasons. After all, didn’t we do the same with her? Zane pressed her parents so they’d send her to a boarding school before she turned fourteen. My father paid for it. We were protecting her from Thatcher. I’m not him, but in my darker moments—drunk or high—I’m a complete asshole.

It’s a side of me I’d never want her or our kids to see.

But that doesn’t justify robbing me of six precious years.

Sephie: My dating life is none of your business.

Brahms: Sure, it’s none of my business. But don’t feel the need to hide him. We’re all adults here. We can play nice.

Sephie: For the last time, I’m not hiding anyone.

Brahms: Somehow, I have a feeling that you are.

Sephie: I’m not, but if I did have a boyfriend, I wouldn’t bring him to the place where I work.Is whoever you’re dating going to visit you too?

I’m momentarily thrown. She’s better at this game than I realized. Time to switch tactics before I reveal too much.

Brahms: What makes you think that I’m dating?

Sephie: You’re a celebrity. Women are dying to be with you.

Brahms: Is that something you found on the internet? If so, know that it’s not true. But I don’t expect you to believe me. The last time the internet said I had a fiancée, you believed it—and here we are, broken and . . . hiding secrets.

Sephie: What’s with you today, Brahms?