Page 15 of Famous Last Words

Seraphina: I have some responsibilities I just can’t abandon, plus, I need to finish the schedule for the center.

Brahms: (glares at the screen skeptically) You sound too casual. What changed?

Seraphina: The center needs the money.

Brahms: Try again.

I glare at my phone, annoyed that he can still see through me, even when we’re not in the same room. He’s always been able to read me too well.

Seraphina: Excuse me?

Brahms: Something tells me that you found a loophole, and that’s why you agreed without a fight. I want to know what you’re getting in return. Why the sudden yes?

Seraphina: This isn’t sudden.

Brahms: You don’t lie, Seraphina, don’t start now.

A flare of anger rises in me. It’s true. I’m usually painfully honest, which has often been a disadvantage. But that was then when I didn’t have to hide my own truth.

Seraphina: I do lie. I’ve been lying to protect your sorry ass for years. Not because I care for you, but because I’m afraid of what your family can do to mine. But be aware that I’ll use our time together to find a way to expose your lies.

Brahms: My lies? I don’t have lies—only guard the ones that keep you and your fucking family safe.

I glare at my phone. The nerve to say that he’s trying to save me. Save me from what? I want to yell, demand answers but instead I take a deep breath knowing Blythe is here.

Seraphina: You killed Zane and Iris. You also condemned my father to life in a wheelchair. Your family might’ve covered that up, but I’ll figure out a way to expose it and have you thrown in jail.

The few seconds before his reply feels like hours.

Brahms: Don’t do that, Seraphina.

I can sense the plea, the urgency, in his message. But there’s no turning back now. I will finish him.

Seraphina: Scared of facing the consequences? You’ll finally pay for your sins.

Brahms: No, I’m afraid for you. Let things be.

A bitter laugh escapes me as if he cares about my well-being. He destroyed my family and me. I doubt he can do anything worse.

Seraphina: Don’t worry about me. I’m a big girl. If I were you, I would be shaking.

I smirk, tapping my fingers on the back of the phone.

Brahms: Whatever you think you’re doing won’t bring them back. You might even regret it.

Seraphina: Famous last words, Brahms. You should know better than to underestimate me.

Brahms: I always remember the famous last words of others—even yours. What happened to: I’ll always love you no matter what, Brahms?

Chapter Eight


Talon rolls the wheelchair into the expansive foyer of the old St. Clairmont’s house. The place looks worn and slightly run-down.

“Thank you, Talon, I’ll take it from here,” Ellington says.

And I hate that this time I can’t even move on my own. Hopefully once my hand heals I’ll have the strength to wheel myself. Who knows, I could be well enough to be back on my feet, right?