Page 95 of Knot Here for You

“Always,” I rasp. “We will always take care of you, Vee. No matter what.”

A delicate shudder moves through her at my promise and I imagine it’s her drinking in the promise of those words, letting them settle against her bones and in her veins. Fuck. I hope that’s the case. I need her to know we won’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

After one more soft kiss to her mouth, I turn her with my hands on her shoulders and guide her to my truck. “Come on, sweetheart, we don’t want to be late for your appointment.”

I’m nervous again.

We’re waiting in the exam room of Dr. Attersby’s office. Vee is perched on the end of the exam table, her legs dangling, and I’m on a stool next to her. My knee bounces up and down anxiously. The nurse has already been in, taken Vee’s vitals—height, weight, heart rate, blood pressure. I hovered through the entire fucking thing until Vee scowled at me and muttered something about me, making the nurse nervous. Then she ordered me onto this stool and I haven’t moved since. Even though it’s nearly impossible for me to sit still.

If I’m nervous, I have to wonder how my girl is doing. Though she is outwardly the very picture of calm. But then I guess she’s been through enough doctor’s appointments in the last few years to last a lifetime.

But she must be nervous. We’re about to find out if it’s safe for her to go off suppressants, if she can physically handle the strain of her omega hormones. If the doctor gives the go ahead, that means… That means Vee will have a heat, likely soon. Really fucking soon.

I groan and run a hand down my face as my imagination runs wild with the possibilities. Vee dripping slick and begging for my knot, presenting the sweet little ass of hers while she mewls and pants and fuck… Fuck!

I can’t get hard. Not right now.

There’s a knock on the door and my girl looks at me with wide dilated eyes, checks flushed. “Ford.”

Goddamn it. I’ve pumped enough lust pheromones into the air that I’m sure my girl is wet between her thighs right before the doctor comes in. Maybe I should be embarrassed as I call out, “come in,” making Vee squeak in distress, but I’m not. Instead, my alpha is damn proud that I can turn my girl on to that extent with just my scent.

The door cracks open and there comes a cough on the other side, before a fan whirs to life above us and my maple bacon scent, twinned with Vee’s light honeyed nectarine, sucks from the room, the chemical smell of scent blockers filling the space instead.

A moment later, the door opens fully and an older woman walks in. She’s gotta be nearing sixty with gray hair and wrinkles on her face. But she looks elegant, embracing her age with class rather than scrambling to look younger.

Maybe that has to do with being a doctor and an omega at that. Maybe she wants to have the look of maturity and experience. It certainly put me more at ease than if she’d been a young thing fresh out of medical school. I don’t need someone learning on my omega.

Her pink painted lips curve into a smile as she takes us in. “Hello. I’m Dr. Attersby and you are,” she looks down at the clipboard in her hand and then back up to my girl, “Sylvie Kinsella?”

Vee nods, fingers twisting together in her lap, her nerves finally showing themselves. “Yes.”

I reach over and lace my fingers with hers, giving them a squeeze. “I’m Ford Werth, her alpha.” Fuck, I love the sound of that, of claiming her as mine.

The doctor smiles and makes a note on the paperwork, before pulling up another rolling stool and bringing it closer to the computer. She clicks on the mouse and reads over more information. “Okay, I see you’ve been seeing Dr. Callahan for the last few years. She’s prescribed you with suppressants because you have…” her brows rise and she glances over at Sylvie. “Rejected Mate Disorder?”

My girl nods, clutching at my hand tighter. “Yes.”

Dr. Attersby looks at me, then back to my omega. “And you’re here because?”

Sylvie clears her throat and tips up her chin. “I want to know if it’s safe for me to go off the suppressants.”

The woman’s lips thin out, and she looks at me again. “Unfortunately,” she says slowly. “It could prove fatal if you aren’t able to be with the mate who rejected you.”

A low growl rumbles from me. Vee squeezes my hand and smiles at the Doctor. “I understand that. However, I would have access to the mates that…” She doesn’t say the word. “We’ve made up and are moving forward, so I’d like to know if it’s safe. I talked with Dr. Callahan and she said she thought it would be okay, but she wanted to have some blood work done. Just to be sure. That’s why I’m here.”

Dr. Attersby nods. “Well, if you're certain that they will remain by your side-”

“We will,” I growl out. “We’re never leaving her again.”

The doctor continues like I didn’t say anything. “Then I don’t see why we couldn’t take you off them.”

“You’ll do the blood tests to be sure, though, right?” I ask, though I’m not really asking, I’m telling. If she refuses and just tells Vee to go off the medication, we’re leaving and finding a different doctor.

“Oh, of course, yes,” Dr. Attersby nods. “We’ll take some blood today and get it tested. If it all looks good, you can stop taking your suppressants tonight. I’ll schedule another blood draw for the day after tomorrow and then a follow up appointment next week. It shouldn’t take long for them to completely leave your system. We should have back to your fully unsuppressed omega by early next week.”

I blink and I think Vee sways on the exam table before she catches herself. “That soon?” My girl asks, her voice small. Is she second guessing this decision? Is she second guessing us?

Fuck. Maybe I shouldn’t have been the one to bring her here. Maybe I should have let Davis or Asher bring her. They’re better with words than I am, better at making sure she knows how we feel about her.