Page 77 of Knot Here for You

Hopefully soon. Maybe later tonight when we show up at her little house again with dinner and dessert in tow.

But I don’t want to assume anything. Everything needs to be at her pace. She needs to decide to be with us again. To join our pack and let us bond her.

Fuck. Every time around her, my alpha instincts claw at me, demanding that I mate her, knot her, bite her. If I knew beyond any doubt that she wouldn’t hate me afterward, I probably would have already done it. The idea of having her so fucking close and then losing her again is… not something I want to even consider.

Bonding her would mean I could find her wherever she is, I could track her down and ensure that she’s safe. But I won’t do that to her. She deserves the right to choose, to do this at her own pace.

The only reason I’ll force the issue is if we see a decline in her health. I refuse to let her kill herself, just to keep distance between us. But as of right now, she looks better than when I first saw her outside that tattoo parlor, healthier. I can’t be sure without consulting a doctor, but I suspect her RMD is on the decline since she’s been seeing us more frequently.

My intention is to keep that momentum going. To get her healthy and whole again, and then I’ll force the issue of bonding.

Tonight I might mention the idea of her coming to stay with us for a bit, to have her in our home to see if that helps even more. But I’m worried that might be pushing it.

I stride into my office and nod at the front desk receptionist, Brenda, before heading to my private office. I’d been in the middle of a meeting when Vee had called, but honestly it was boring as hell and it wasn’t something I needed to be present for. Davis is more than capable of handling it.

But I still have work to do, even if what I really wanted was to spend the rest of the day with Vee, kissing her, seeing how many variations of those delicious moans I can draw out of her.

Carrie, my assistant, glances up at my approach. “Davis is looking for you.”

My brows arch. “Good. I need to talk to him. Where is he?”

She stands and takes my jacket from me before handing me a cup of coffee. I have no idea how she always has it hot whenever I show up, but she does. “In his office. I put the Gold Ridge file on your desk and your mother called.”

My brows lower as I fish my phone out of my pocket and check it. Nothing from my mother. Why would she call the office but not my cell?

I flash her a smile and hand the coffee back to her. “Why don’t you take a break and drink this?”

She looks down at it, confused. I’ve never turned down a cup of coffee, but I’m not about to tell her I’m still savoring the taste of my girl on my tongue. It’s not something she needs to know.

I head toward Davis’s office, surprised he’s still here at all. We don’t have to work. We’ve hired so many trustworthy people, our company practically runs itself. And lord knows we don’t need the money from a salary. But over the last few years, we both needed something to focus on and so S Grace Industries was born. Much to the dismay of Maxim Werth, who wanted at least one of us to take over his company. He tried at the beginning to buy us out, merge with us, but like hell, were we going to do that.

And I can’t be more pleased about that.

Especially knowing he paid Vee’s grandmother to keep our girl away from us. That’s definitely something we’re going to have to address at the next Werth family gathering. I know there is no way the rest of my fathers didn’t know. My mother? They might have kept her in the dark about it.

But all of my dads? They would have known.

And they kept Sylvie from us.

Kept us from her.

I’m half tempted to cut them all out of my life. I think Davis will feel the same once he finds out what they did. But I’m not sure I could do that to my mother. She’s so… fragile. It’s the only way I can think of to describe it. Fragile. Weak. Breakable. She hates fighting, hates discord, hates standing up to any of our fathers. She will do whatever she can to keep the peace with her pack. I suspect that would include never seeing me or Davis again if that is what Maxim decreed.

Vee is the exact opposite of our mother. She has every reason to be fragile, but she’s not. She’s so fucking strong. Still fighting even when her body is working against her, making her sick because we aren’t with her. She was willing to live like that, to walk away from us, from her fated pack, because she thought we were happy without her.

My heart clenches.

Infuriating woman doesn’t realize she’s the only way we can be happy.

The desk outside Davis’s office is empty, so I push open his door without announcing myself and immediately wish I hadn’t. I might fire Carrie for not giving me a warning.

Davis gives me a grim look from behind his desk that I return with one of my own before turning my attention back to the two other occupants of the room: Maxim Werth and Yasmin Padlow, nee Forsyth.

Yasmin grins when she sees me, pushing to her feet and rounding the chair to come greet me. “Jackson! It’s so good to see you!” Her arms wrap around me, hugging me to her. Fuck. She’s going to obliterate the scent of Vee on my skin. Though maybe at this point it’s a blessing. I don’t want my father to catch a whiff of my omega.

I press a kiss to her tan cheek that has always smelled too floral, cloyingly so, and squeeze her hand. “How are you, Yas?”

Even to my own ears, my voice sounds flat. He’s trying to do it again. Trying to separate us from Vee and I won’t fucking let that happen.