Page 20 of Knot Here for You

Over the top? Maybe, but it’s my hindbrain screaming at me that she is fucking mine, and I’ll do anything to make sure the entire world knows that too. Starting with the asshole who’s ushering her away from me right now.

I grit my teeth and fist my hands at my sides. Vee has every right to be angry, to hate us. But she never gave us a chance to explain, never even tried to understand our side, what was being expected of us.

She just vanished, like a puff of smoke on a windy day. There one day, gone the next. Even her grandma had no clue where she went. Though she didn’t seem to care too much about the disappearance of her seventeen-year-old granddaughter. In fact, she seemed to relish it. Relish the pain it caused us, not knowing where she was.

I’m not even surprised Vee pretended she doesn’t know me, that we didn’t spend our teens together growing up. That for five beautiful years she wasn’t my entire fucking world, the foundation on which I wanted to build my future, until she suddenly wasn’t.

I should have done a better job of explaining it to her, telling her what she meant to me, to us, before it got to the point it did. I knew she was concerned about Yasmin. We’d been spending more and more time with the omega, not because we enjoyed her company or wanted her, but because it kept our families from demanding more from us, like giving up Vee entirely and marrying Yasmin.

I should have done a better job of reassuring Vee, of making her understand she was and always would be pack.

Vee and the alpha pause at the corner, waiting for the light to change, and I watch as he turns her toward him, concern clear on his face as he looks down at her. I note with some pleasure that she shifts under his hands, like she’s trying to dislodge them from her shoulders, but then she flicks her gaze toward me, sees I’m still watching and settles.

I tug my phone out of my pocket and snap a picture, getting as much of her face as I can.

The pack needs to know about this, needs to know I fucking found her.

God, we’ve been looking for her for years. Five, to be exact. Just when we’re on the edge of giving up, of calling her lost to us forever, I bump into her on the street in our freaking hometown, just blocks from my office.

I don’t normally leave in the middle of the afternoon, but I got the urge to get a cup of coffee, one of those fancy ones that Sylvie used to drag us to get from her favorite cafe. I haven’t wanted one in ages and yet today the craving struck out of nowhere.

If I had been thirty seconds earlier, I would have missed her, would have walked right by and never known that she’s in town.

Fate must be on our side this time around.

I watch them until they disappear, and then spin on my heel, pulling up the pack text chain and sending the picture I just took. Then I look at the building Vee emerged from like a fucking dream. I frown. Royal Ink Tattoo Parlor. Did she get a tattoo? I never would have thought she would before. I mean, her grandmother would never have allowed it, but now she has a nose ring, a cute little hoop on her left nostril, and five studs in her ears. Getting a tattoo would probably fit her vibe now. The idea both turns me on and pisses me off. I don’t want anyone marring her skin but me and my packmates. We’re the only ones who get to mark her flesh. Preferably with hickeys and finger print bruises on her hips and a mating bit on her neck, or her tits or, fuck, anywhere.

I feel their reactions through the bond, faint as it is, the surprise, the need, the craving to find her, hold her, keep her. I’m right there with them, and I’m honestly surprised none of them reached out before now to check on me.

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I look down.


Holy shit.


Is that Vee?




Who's the asshole that’s gonna lose his fucking hand?

My lips twitch into a smirk at Ford’s question, loving that he feels just as possessive of her as I do.


Yes, it’s her. She’s on suppressants or using de-scenting soap,

so I couldn’t get a read on her scent.

But it was undoubtedly her. I’d recognize her anywhere.
