Page 103 of Knot Here for You

“Come on, baby. Let’s get you fed.”

Rule 25: Don’t let your pack distract you with their mouths and fingers… or maybe do

“Crap,” I mutter, reaching for my hairbrush to run it through my hair, while also brushing my teeth with my other hand. I’m running late. Really freaking late.

I blame Ford. I stayed in his bed last night and this morning he woke me with his head between my thighs. We didn’t leave his room for hours. Until Davis knocked on the door and pointed out that I have my last appointment with Dr. Attersby in an hour.

“Don’t sweat it, pipsqueak,” Ford says from the shower, because he has the time to be leisurely today. Also, he takes a hell of a lot less to get him ready. “Dr. Attersby won’t cancel your appointment, even if you’re late.”

I shake my head, spit into the sink and the rinse off my toothbrush. “You don’t know that, Ford.”

He smirks. “You’re right, I don’t, but I do know that you feel fine.” He pauses and then eyes me more seriously. “You do feel fine, don’t you?”

I nod, pulling my hair into a hasty ponytail. “I do. Phenomenal, actually. Must be all the orgasms I’ve been getting recently.”

So many orgasms. I’d originally thought I would stay with them three nights a week, and have my space four nights. But it’s been six days since they approached the subject with me, and I haven’t… left.

So much for keeping my distance and maintaining some independence.

I can’t really bring myself to regret it, though. These last few days have been some of the best in my life. They make me ridiculously happy.

Ford chuckles and ducks his head under the water. “Happy to be of service, Vee.”

I roll my eyes and rush out of his bathroom, out of his bedroom and into the room that they’ve told me is mine. It’s where I’ve stashed my clothes, but I’ve never slept in the bed. I’m not sure I ever will.

I have a hunch that when I do move in, I’ll end up claiming the room they’ve set aside as the nest. And I’ll probably try to get all of them to sleep in there with me every night.

I tug on my outfit for the day, jeans and a t-shirt. My booties are by the front door so I just slip on socks and then book it downstairs, sliding to a stop on the hardwood floor, when I find the other four members of my pack standing in a huddle with disgruntled looks on their faces. “What’s wrong?” I ask immediately, my stomach cramping nervously.

Four sets of eyes land on me and all of their expressions soften. Topher moves to me first, hand sliding into the notch of my waist before he presses a kiss to my lips. “Morning, baby.” He smirks. “Or should I say afternoon?”

I scowl up at him. “Don’t distract me with sweet kisses. Tell me what’s going on.”

He chuckles and guides me further into the room, toward the alphas, watching us hungrily. Jackson sighs and runs a hand down his face. “Maxim called. He wants us to go to a meeting with him.”

I frown as Davis presses a kiss to my cheek, and Topher retreats to the kitchen. “Oh. Did he say why? Is he going to give me another test about being an omega?”

Jackson shakes his head and tugs me into his arms, cuddling me close. “No, he didn’t ask to see you, just the rest of us.”


Davis frowns. “Right now. I can’t figure out why, though.”

I shrug and disentangle myself from my prime alpha, even though it feels amazing to be in his arms, my fully awake omega glorying in his closeness. But I haven’t eaten all day, and I suspect Topher is putting together a quick meal for me. “It doesn’t really matter why. You should go.”

I slide onto the stool just as Topher places a plate with a sandwich on it, apple, ham and brie. My stomach gurgles at the sight of it and I take a huge bite as Asher voices his protest. “But it’s your last appointment with Dr. Attersby.”

I arch my brow at him as I chew and swallow. “You know as well as I do that this is just a precaution. Everything looked good at my last appointment. The suppressants had nearly left my body then. Two days after I stopped taking them, Ash. They’ll be gone by now for sure.”

“You don’t want us there?” Davis asks as I snap off another bite.

I roll my eyes at him. “I didn’t say that. Of course, I want you there. If I could shrink all of you down and carry you around in my pocket all the time, I would.”

They chuckle. “We’d do the same to you, Vee.”

They don’t say anything else on the subject as I finish eating. As soon as I’m done, I pop up and try to take the plate to the sink, but Topher grabs it before I can.

“Okay, I’m going to head out,” I say, already moving to the door to put on my boots. “I’ll probably run by my house after and grab more stuff. It kind of seems pointless to keep living out of a bag.”