“Yeah, I have.” He surprised her when he got up and went into the closet. A few seconds later, her duffle bag and his came flying out.

“Does this mean what I think it means?” she asked.

He leaned out of the closet, wearing only his boxers, with a smile across his face. “I decided to go with you.”

She beamed and bounced out of bed. She crossed the room, wearing only a sheet, to kiss him. “It’ll be awesome. We’ll have so much fun!”

He laughed. “I bet. I’ve never been on a rock tour before.”

She did a goofy little “yes” dance where she stood. Aiden laughed and joined her dance.

“Okay, let’s get packed then spend the rest of the day in bed,” Bex suggested.

Aiden pressed a kiss to her temple. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

They gathered up their duffle bags and packed the essentials. They spent all day in bed, watching TV, leisurely fucking, and just enjoying each other.

* * *

“Bex! You’re back!” Jade ran down the bus steps and threw her arms around Bex.

Jade’s eyes flicked to Aiden. “Oh my God, you brought company! Dibs!”

Jade’s arms left Bex and wrapped around Aiden, who laughed and spun in circles with her.

Just as they stopped spinning, Jade’s fiancé, Ryker, came down the steps behind her. “I object to this dibs thing. He’s mine.”

Watching the big, former Navy SEAL, press a kiss to Aiden’s cheek had Bex dying of laughter.

“Hello, Aiden,” Ryker said huskily.

“Hello, Ryker. I’ve heard so much about you, big guy.” Aiden’s hand teasingly rubbed Ryker’s chest.

Both men laughed and broke the teasing.

Ryker shook Aiden’s hand. “Just jokin’. I’m all Jade’s. Welcome to the bus. You’ll fit right in. This is a go-with-the-flow place. Remember that and you’re good.”

“Thanks, man.” Aiden stepped beside Bex and wrapped his arm around her. He looked up at the bus. “How many buses are there?”

“Three,” Ryker answered, taking Jade’s hand. “Lovely Oblivion’s, which is this one. One for the opening band and one for the crew. There is a second opening band but they have a van and usually drive ahead so they aren’t here.”

Aiden looked at Bex. “I’m obviously going to be working with the crew to earn my keep here. Where do you want me to stay?”

Her heart drummed in her chest at the thought of being apart from Aiden. How could he even think she’d want to be separated?

“Of course, you’re staying with me. That was never a question.”

“Just confirming.” He kissed her temple.

Bex grabbed his hand and pulled him up the bus stairs. She tugged him back to the bunks and they threw their duffle bags into Bex’s bunk.

“You can stay here with me. It’ll be a little tight but I figured we’d try it and if you need more space, we can get you your own bunk.”

“We’ll make it work,” he said, dropping a soft kiss to her mouth.

Bex gave him the tour and showed him where to find everything. Then they settled on the leather couch in the back lounge to play video games on the wall mounted TV. Bex closed the compartment door to separate them from the bunks and closed the curtains to eliminate any glare.

They played video games for hours as the bus rolled toward the next city.