“I think you should go to the reunion,” Jade continued.
“Promise me you won’t get mad at what I’m about to say.”
Bex narrowed her eyes at Jade. “I can’t promise you that. I’ve met you. I never know what will come out of your mouth.”
Jade laughed. “True. Okay, fine. I’ll say it, anyway. I know you love Blake. But Blake’s not ‘forever.’ And I think you need to go after forever. That’s Aiden.”
Wait, what?
Bex glared at Jade. “Excuse me?”
“Come on, admit it. Blake is a friend who fucks you sometimes. He’s not your forever. We all know Aiden is.”
“Hey!” Bex physically growled. “You know nothing about my relationship with Blake. Don’t pretend you do.”
“See, look. I knew it. Mad.” Jade pointed at Bex. “But think about it. I’m right.”
Jade left Bex standing there steaming and walked back to her drumset. Jade sat down right as the other band members walked into the studio. Their bassist Polly’s space buns hair entered the room first, followed by their black-haired keyboardist Maggie, and their auburn-haired guitarist Lyra. They were all laughing like they didn’t have a care in the world.
Bex stewed over Jade’s words while they did the runthrough of their last song for the album. Blake was more than her friend. She and Blake were partners. Hell, their two-year anniversary was next week! They even planned to move in together soon.
The song took a few playthroughs to perfect. Eventually, Bex lost herself in the music and let Jade’s words go. She dragged her bow along her fiddle’s strings and sang her heart out. It took a few tries, but their final runthrough hit perfection.
“Yes! That’s a wrap!” their balding record producer said, pushing a button from the other side of the large window so the band could hear him. “Only some mixing and polishing left, but your part is done!”
Everyone celebrated and high-fives went around the room. Lovely Oblivion’s second album — completely recorded! A sense of pride and accomplishment washed over Bex.
“Celebratory drinks, anyone?” Polly asked.
“Hell yeah,” Lyra said, her auburn hair moving with her as she bounced on her feet. “Let’s do this!”
“Count me out.” Jade shook her head. “Ryker and I have plans tonight.” Jade wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Polly laughed. “You always have plans with him. Unless we’re rehearsing, we don’t see you.”
“Girls’ night soon. I promise,” Jade said.
“Bex? Maggie? You in?” Polly asked.
“Sure, let’s go,” Maggie said.
“Yeah. Let me invite Blake. Tonight’s our usual movie night, but I’m sure he won’t mind,” Bex said.
“Excellent. Go home, get dressed for clubbing, and meet at The Bass Lounge in two hours. First round is on me.” Polly clapped her hands together excitedly as everyone grabbed their stuff to leave.
Bex packed her fiddle into its case, then pulled out her phone to text Blake.
Bex: Album is done!!! Instead of movie night, meet at The Bass Lounge in 2 hrs to celebrate?
Blake: Hell yeah! Congrats! Wear your dancing shoes!
Bex laughed and shoved her phone in her pocket. She picked up her fiddle case and headed home to change.
* * *
Blake’s hair stood out across the club in the upstairs VIP area — shoulder-length hair that shined so blond it almost looked white.