Bex nodded. “Okay.”

Aiden kissed her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Aiden told the bartender what was happening, who called the front desk. Aiden nodded and spoke with the bartender. He came back to Bex. “The front desk is bringing back a wheelchair so you don’t have to walk. They called an ambulance to take us to the hospital. One of their doctors is on duty.”

Bex nodded and continued her Lamaze breathing.

“You’ve got this, Pixie.” He pressed a kiss to her temple.

“I’m worried. It’s early,” she said.

“It’s only a few weeks. It won’t make a difference. Our little fighter is strong enough to come now,” he reassured her.

Soon, the front desk assistant arrived with a wheelchair and Bex transferred into it. Aiden pushed her up front to wait for the ambulance. Her contractions started coming longer and more often. They started timing them, right as the ambulance pulled in.

The EMTs transferred her from the chair to a stretcher and they allowed Aiden to ride with them. Bex continued her breathing as Aiden gripped her hand in support.

“You’re doing great,” he encouraged.

* * *

Three hours later

“Chloe,” Aiden breathed, sitting by Bex’s hospital bed holding the small pink bundle in his arms.

The birth happened fast, and Chloe arrived via natural delivery within only a few hours. She had ten fingers and ten toes — Bex counted — and overall looked perfect.

Aiden could not be prouder. He hadn’t put Chloe down since the doctors gave her a clean bill of health.

He glanced up at Bex. “Do you want to hold her?”

Bex smiled. “You look good holding her. Keep at it. I’ll take her later.”

He smiled. “Thank you. Let me know if you want a turn.”

Bex’s parents were on a flight over to meet their grandkid and should land soon. Paige had a town car waiting to pick them up at the airport.

“Are you ready for the insanity?” Bex asked.

“It won’t be that bad,” Aiden said.

Bex gave Aiden the side eye. “Touring with an infant will be crazy. You’re way too optimistic.”

“We’ve got this. It’s going to be great. We’ll make it work. And the best part is, we’ll all be together.” He laid Chloe flat and leaned back in his chair with her so he could cradle her against his chest. “You did perfect. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They sat in Bex’s room, cradling their baby and enjoying the quiet. Soon, Bex would feed Chloe, but momentarily she enjoyed the silence.

* * *

Six months later

Bex sang the last note for the last show of the season. The crowd went wild. “Thank you! We love you!” she shouted above the applause.

The band took their bows and ran offstage.