He grinned and hopped out of bed.
“It’s a surprise.”
“You can tell me.”
“Nope.” He slid onto one of the chairs at the table but hopped out of it quickly.
She quirked an eyebrow.
“It’s cold and I’m naked,” he laughed.
He grabbed his boxers off the floor, pulled them on, and sat at the table again. This time he stayed seated. He picked up a coffee mug and sipped it.
“There cinnamon in that?” she asked.
“Maybe.” He quirked an eyebrow.
She laughed and snuggled her pillow. “Yep, there’s cinnamon in that. Some things don’t change.”
He grimaced. “Some things do. I’m sorry, Pixie. I have your doctor-recommended tea ready when you want it.” He gestured to another mug on the table.
Bex sighed and sat up against the headboard. She missed coffee.
“Stay right there,” Aiden said. He stood from the table, grabbed her mug, and carried it over to her.
She took it from him with a “thanks” and sipped the caffeine free, raspberry leaf tea.
“Only a month to go and you can have caffeine again,” Aiden said, he kissed her stomach then walked back to the table and sat down. He took a sip of his drink. “I’ll make you whatever you want then. It’ll be worth it.”
She took another sip of her tea then set the cup on the nightstand. “Where are we going? All I have is the dress I wore at our wedding last night.”
He grinned. “Not true.”
He stood and crossed the room. From near the door, he magically produced their duffle bags. He tossed both bags onto the edge of the bed.
“Jade packed for you,” he said, before sitting back into his chair at the table.
“How nice of her.”
“It didn’t take much convincing. All I had to say was how great you would be treated and...” A knock sounded at the door. He smiled. “Just in time. I almost said too much.” He stood from his chair, fished his wallet out of his pants and grabbed a cash tip, then he walked over and opened the door, wearing only his boxers.
“Thanks, man,” he said. She heard movement near the door and soon Aiden appeared carrying two plates. “Room service!”
She laughed. “Did room service not care about your boxers?”
He glanced down. “Nah, all the important bits are covered. He didn’t even bat an eye.” He grinned at her. The smell of breakfast hit Bex’s nose and she practically drooled. Aiden set her covered plate on the bed beside her. “Eat up,” he said.
He carried his plate over to the table and sat down. He pulled the cover off and dug in.
She plucked her cover off and began eating the eggs.
“You know,” she said, “I had total baby brain last night. I don’t think I even said hello to my parents.”
Aiden laughed. “Don’t worry. You talked to them and took pictures.”
“Okay good.”
“You do remember the ceremony last night?”