“Dad, what are you doing here?”

He took her arm and Jade scurried off between the buses with a wave.

“It’s a surprise.”

“People keep telling me that.”

He patted her arm. “You’ll love it.”

“They keep saying that too.”

He laughed. “Because it’s true.”

He led Bex between the buses. She had to stand still a moment as she took in her surroundings and her breath left her body.

“Told you,” her dad said.

People lined chairs set up in rows as witnesses. An aisle created in the middle of the chairs led to an intricate archway built from metal light rigging pieces. Aiden stood beside the archway wearing a tux, watching her with a big smile. A minister stood on the other side of the archway. Fairy lights lit the area. The surprise wedding looked magical.

Members of the road crew, family, and the band filled the guest space and turned to grin at Bex as they noticed her presence. She saw her mom in the crowd. Everyone started clapping.

Bex’s dad escorted her up the aisle and gave her hand to Aiden before he headed to his seat.

“Hi,” Aiden said.


“You look perfect.” His hand slipped from hers and caressed her belly.

“Thank you.”

The minister stepped up and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to join Aiden and Bex in holy matrimony. If anyone has a reason these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your piece.”

No one said anything.

“A surprise wedding?” Bex whispered.

Aiden smiled softly. “Yeah. I couldn’t wait to marry you. Plus, this way you didn’t have any pre-wedding stress. Your band and I worked everything out. We hope you like.”

Her heart swelled and happiness flooded her at their generosity.

The minister recited the vows to them. They said “I do” and slid the wedding bands onto each other’s fingers. She had to admit, it felt good to put her ring on him where the fake ring had sat for so long. When the minister said, “You may kiss the bride,” Aiden dipped her body as far as he could and gave her a deep, promising kiss.

“Forever and always, I swear,” he said against her lips. “I love you.”

“I love you.”

The audience clapped as they stood and faced everyone.

“May I present, Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker,” the minister said.

Aiden whispered in her ear, “He would be scandalized if he knew what that does to me. I’m so hard right now.”

She laughed.

Aiden’s face grew serious and he addressed the crowd. “Thank you for coming tonight,” Aiden announced. “Indoors, you’ll find a reception. Food, drinks, and dancing. I know it’s late, but feel free to join if you want.”

They clasped hands and walked up the aisle, toward the venue. Aiden let go of her hand and slipped his arm around her shoulders.