Aiden took her hand with a grin. He flicked the light off, leaving them standing in the complete dark.

They listened, and heard nothing outside the door. Slowly, Aiden pulled it open and poked his head out. Quickly, he shut it again. “Roadie at 11:00,” he whispered.

They stood in silence for a few more minutes before someone from the hallway opened the door. “The light’s out, I don’t think they’re in...” A hand flicked the light on and eyes met Bex’s. “Oh hi... Found them!” he yelled.

“We’ve been looking all over for you guys,” the elderly roadie said. “Where have you been?”

“We’ve been...” Aiden said. He looked at Bex like he wasn’t sure what to say.

“Right here,” Bex finished. “Aiden filled my pussy with come. We had fun.”

Aiden’s cheeks flushed but Bex just pursed her lips. The old man would appreciate the truth.

The old man laughed. “Well, at least you’re honest. Let’s go, the bus is waitin’.”

“Thanks, man.” Bex grabbed Aiden’s hand and led him out of the venue toward the bus.

They laughed and stumbled up the bus steps. The bus driver gave Bex the stank eye but she just ignored him.

They pushed through the curtain to find the band and Greg waiting.

“Where have you been, young lady?” Greg demanded. He looked ready to fight.

Anger hit Bex. She may have been late, but she wasn’t a child and Greg would not treat her like she was.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m an adult. I’m here now and you’re not going to read me the riot act,” Bex snapped.

“You’re late.”

“I’m sorry we’re late. Take it at face value. I’m not listening to a lecture.” Bex stormed past him, tugging Aiden’s hand, into the back lounge.

She slammed the compartment door behind them, and angrily turned on the TV.

“Are you okay?” Aiden asked.

“I’m fine,” Bex said. “Let’s relax and watch TV.”

Aiden nodded but didn’t say anything. He settled onto the couch and reached for her.

She settled into Aiden’s arms and they snuggled on the couch to watch TV.

They fell asleep together just as the bus pulled out for the next city.

Chapter 22


Three months later

The doctor looked at Bex sitting on the exam table for her usual birth control shot. “I’m afraid I can’t give you your usual dose.”

“What, why not?” she asked. “I’m here like normal. Do you have to give me more or something?”

The female doctor sighed and rolled away from the exam room’s computer. “I can’t give you a shot at all... because you missed the last shot.” She leveled her eyes on Bex. “You’re pregnant.”

“What are you talking about? I got the reminder and I... Oh...” It dawned on Bex that she’d been visiting home and had not in fact made an appointment with the doctor like she’d intended. She had missed a shot.

Pregnant? For a moment, Bex’s senses overwhelmed her. The clock on the wall sounded deafening, her heartbeat sped up, and she felt nauseated. Panic almost set in.