
The former SEALs, now security agents, lined up at all entrances of the house for the memorial service. They interrogated anyone who tried to enter, ensuring no paparazzi and only legitimate guests made it through.

The funeral home brought over an enlarged picture of Julie, set up on an easel and bundles of flowers to go around it. They created a nice little set up in the backyard.

Bex and Aiden stood beside the picture for what felt like forever while well-wishers formed a line and related stories from Julie’s past to them. He took all the stories in stride.

Even Bex’s band showed up, though they stuck with simple hugs and good wishes.

Julie’s church donated sandwiches and food, which kept the well-wishers happy.

Aiden forced his way through it all with a numb smile on his face, looking good in the suit Bex ordered him.

The memorial service was nice enough, but Bex could see the relief on Aiden’s when it was over. He looked most relaxed when the house was almost empty and everyone except Lovely Oblivion and the security team had cleared out.

Aiden sank into a kitchen chair and folded his hands over his eyes.

Bex threw the ingredients for chicken noodle soup on the stove, thinking Aiden would need to eat.

She waited by the counter as each of the security team stopped by and said something to Aiden. She was too far away to hear the words, but whatever the military men said seemed to bring Aiden comfort.

The band came through and hugged Aiden then her. She didn’t miss the cheek kiss that Jade gave Aiden and the resulting smile. A smile touched Bex’s lips; Aiden’s smile made her happy.

“See you next week?” Polly asked Bex.

“Yep, on the road then,” Bex told her with a nod.

Aiden’s gaze met hers from across the room. Bex blew a kiss to him before thanking everyone and seeing them out.

Bex sat at the table across from Aiden and waited for the soup to be done. They both studied the wooden table top.

“You go back next week?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“Yeah. I want you to come with me.”

His gaze raised to meet hers. “I’ve never left this town.”

“I know. I’m offering to change that.”

“But... What would I do? I can’t simply tag along. I won’t be a burden to you.”

“You wouldn’t be. I’ve put a lot of thought into this. I want you to keep me company but if you won’t agree to that, which knowing you I doubt you will, then you can help cook for us. The six-string circus has a crew of travelling chefs. You’re a genius and we could definitely use someone with your talents. Of course, it would be a job and management would pay you, but it would be something you could do that uses your skills.”

“For the band?”

“For the band, the roadies, the crew. Anyone who travels with us. It’s a lot of people, every day. But there’s no obligation. I just want you with me. Whether you work for the team or not is up to you. I just want you there. You’re no burden to me. You have options.”

He reached across the table and took her hand. He played with her fingers and focused on those. “I appreciate the offer. I’ll think about it.”

“Okay. That’s all I can ask.” She squeezed his hand.

Over the next few days, Aiden seemed more like himself. More like he was working through everything. He would run errands and they had normal days together.

Bex invited paparazzi Frank in for lunch one day and also gave him the scoop. Frank took a picture of Bex and Aiden together smiling at the camera for his cover, and Aiden decided to frame that one too once it came out.

Finally, Bex’s last day arrived.

“Have you given any thought to what I asked you?” she asked him as they had breakfast in bed.