His eyes burned and he sniffed, trying to get his emotions under control.

He looked at Bex, who wiped her own tears away.

His heart sank. What had he done? Running to his ex? She didn’t hate him but they were on shaky ground. If only he didn’t find her comforting.

“I’m sorry. I’ll go.” He backed away, across the threshold.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Bex grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, shutting the door. “I want an explanation.”

She kept his hand and led him to the kitchen.

“Sit,” she said, escorting him to a seat at the end of the kitchen table.

He did as she asked, letting go of her hand when she pulled away.

He watched her cross the kitchen to a cabinet and open it. She pulled out two mugs. One went under the coffee maker and the other onto the counter. She opened a drawer, selected a k-cup, put it in the machine, and pressed brew.

They waited in silence as the machine made the drink. Bex’s hands squeezed the edge of the counter as she composed herself.

Shit. He’d hurt her again. He shouldn’t be there.

“I should go,” he said.

“No, you should stay.” Her head whipped around and she gave him a sharp look.

Aiden nodded and forced himself to look away. He put his elbows on the table and leaned into his hands, covering his eyes.

The darkness seemed fitting. Soon his mom would be gone and Bex would go back to her life in the city. The lights of his life were both leaving. Might as well get used to the dark.

He listened to Bex start the brew for the second mug and stir sugar into the first. He felt the clink of the spoon against the mug vibrate through his body.

When the second drink finished, the clinking repeated, then Bex’s footsteps crossed the kitchen.

She scooted one of the mugs onto the table within his reach and sat caddy-corner in the chair beside him.

A whiff of her body wash hit him. Birthday cake. She still smelled like fucking birthday cake. All these years later.

He lowered his hands and blinked at her. She watched him with squinted eyes.

A glance at the table revealed tea in a mug that read “Florida State Bird: The Mosquito” with a giant picture of a mosquito on it. Hers read “Everything Is Bigger in Texas” with a picture of the Texas state flag.

She saw him glance at the mugs and cleared her throat. She said, “I send a mug to Dad for each state I tour in. I’ve been going for funny.”

“Nice. Thoughtful,” he said.

He picked up his mug and took a sip of the hot tea. Huh. She’d slipped some cinnamon in there. All these years and she remembered how he liked his tea.

“Thank you,” he murmured.

“You’re welcome.”

They sipped their tea in silence. Aiden knew he should go... But he didn’t want to leave. Not yet.

After a few minutes, Bex said, “Are you ready to talk?”

Aiden shook his head. He wasn’t ready.

“Let me rephrase that. Tell me what happened.”