Jade and Polly sat at the table with him and grabbed their coffees.
“Good morning,” Ryker said. Jade smiled at him.
“Morning,” Polly said.
“How’s everything today?” Ryker watched Polly closely.
“Not great. But things’ll get better, eventually,” Polly said.
“Do I need to do anything?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No. I appreciate you asking but it’s not necessary.”
He drank his coffee and evaluated Polly over the cup rim. “Are you sure? I can make a face-to-face meeting happen if you want. My team would love a stealth extraction.”
Tears welled up in her eyes. “I’m sure. I don’t want to see him.”
Ryker nodded. His eyes empathized with her. “You change your mind, let me know.”
“I will.”
He reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “Alternatively, I have a security team full of guys who would love to help you make his ass jealous.” He grinned. “Roark would have a field day.”
Polly laughed. “Maybe. I’ll think about that.”
He gave her hand another squeeze and let go. “We’re here for you. You aren’t alone.”
The words were nice, but Polly couldn’t help but feel quite the opposite.
“Thank you,” she said.
Someone knocked on the bus door and within seconds, their tour manager, Greg, appeared through the curtain at the top of the steps. “Sound check in 15,” he announced, pointing at Jade and Polly. “Tell the others.” He disappeared and the bus door closed.
The group stood and headed back to the bunks to get ready for the day.
“Trouble in Paradise”
Though not officially announced, we suspected Late Nyght Smoke guitarist Flynn Morgan, and Lovely Oblivion guitarist Polly Worthington, also known as Flolly, to be dating. In unfortunate news for the rumored couple, Flynn was photographed in risqué photos with Late Nyght Smoke’s songwriter, Amie Athey. Is the possibility of Flolly over now? Stay tuned for more updates.