“Don’t worry. I’ve got this. Go along with them for now.”
* * *
Polly jammed out while lying down and wiggled in her hotel bed to the music pulsing through her headphones. She moved her feet and arms, and mouthed the catchy song. It was late and the rest of the band was sleeping in their rooms.
She held her camera in front of her face and clicked through the picture viewer at the images on the SD card. The awards show, playing tourists with Flynn, the “celebrities” they’d seen on the street, and goofy pictures of them together at the hotel room. The images each brought a smile to her face.
Polly’s phone rang. A quick glance showed Flynn calling. His show must be over.
She pulled her headphones out and answered.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hey. How was your day?”
“Good. Yours?”
Flynn sighed. “I’ve had better, but overall not the worst.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Talk to me. Help me keep my mind busy.”
“Okay. Do you want to talk about what happened?”
Flynn sighed and made a noise of frustration. “No.”
“Okay. What’s your third favorite dinosaur?” Polly asked.
Flynn laughed. “Not my first?”
“Nope. Third.”
“Random. God, I don’t know. I haven’t thought about dinosaurs since I was a kid.”
“Think about them now.”
“Umm. Brachiosaurus. Because I think they look cool but not as cool as my favorite.”
“Nice. What’s your favorite?”
“Velociraptors. Those things were awesome.”
Polly laughed. “Now, if you could have any superpower, what would it be?”
Flynn laughed. “Any superpower, huh?”
“Yep. X-ray vision, invisibility, or whatever you want.”
“No rules.”
“Exact-Change Man. I would have the ability to have exact change at any occasion, no matter what. If I needed to buy something, I would reach into my pocket and have the exact amount of the sale, every time. Whether $1 or $1.3 billion dollars.”
“You’d better have some big pockets for that billion dollar purchase,” Polly laughed.