Chapter 11
“Ms. Worthington, here is your room key,” the female hotel desk clerk said and slid a key card across the counter to Polly. “Also, there was a delivery for you. We left it in your room. Thank you for your stay at the Felton Inn.” She smiled.
A delivery? What would that be?
“Thank you.” Polly returned the smile, picked up the key, and went to the elevator. She rode it to the third floor, walked down the hallway to her room, and let herself in.
A vase of gorgeous roses sat on the room’s table. A bottle of wine and a box of chocolates sat by them.
“Oh,” she breathed. She tossed her duffle bag on the floor and crossed the room to the table. She grinned when she realized it was her favorite wine. This had to be from Flynn.
She plucked the card from its holder in the flowers and opened it. Polly, Thinking of you. Talk soon. With love, Flynn
How sweet. Grady never did anything like this for her. Warmth flooded her chest as she considered the thoughtful gesture.
She put the card on the table and picked up the wine and chocolates. She crossed the room and climbed under the soft, fluffy comforter. Polly picked up the remote and turned on a random movie.
She settled onto the pillows and opened the wine and chocolates. A moan escaped her lips when she took the first bite of decadent chocolate. Delicious.
Polly pulled her phone out to text Flynn.
Polly: Thank you for the gifts
Flynn: YW. Enjoy. Wsh i cld do more
Polly: They are perfect. Thank you.
Flynn: Did thy mke u smile?
Polly: Definitely
Flynn: Goal accmplishd
Polly snapped a sultry selfie of herself biting into a chocolate and texted it to Flynn.
Flynn: Gorgeous
Polly: TY
Flynn: Tht’s going in my spank bank
Polly: LOL
Flynn: Wht? I cn imgn thse lips arnd my cock. Gvg a lttl suck... Tht pic wll hlp
Polly: It’s early and I’m sure you have somewhere to be so I won’t start down the sext rabbit hole with you right now. What are your plans for today?
Flynn: Ugh. I do. Mtng w label ltr thn show. Cn cll u aftr
Polly: I can’t wait. :)
Flynn: Me ethr. I miss u
Polly: I miss you too
Flynn: I’ll chk the schdl 2 c whn I’m off & cn c u nxt
Polly: Me too. I’d love to see you on your next break
Flynn: We’ll set smthg up. Soon. I prmse
Polly: Soon. Have a nice day
Flynn: Thx. U 2
Polly settled in to watch the movie. She drank straight from the bottle of wine, ate her chocolates, and relaxed in her hotel bed. She flipped through the channels and found a movie she’d seen a thousand times. She watched TV, drank wine, ate chocolate, and settled in. Flynn’s gifts put the final perfect touch on her day off.