Page 48 of Jade

He loaded the steak, potatoes, and salad onto their plates and set everything up at the table. It smelled delicious. He couldn’t wait to dig in. It had been months since he’d had a home cooked meal.

He heard the door open and turned his gaze to Jade.

His breath hitched when he saw her wearing one of his flannel shirts.

The shirt hit her mid-thigh. She had the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and the top few buttons undone. Her hair was still in its colorful topknot.

He found her even more beautiful when she was all-natural like this than when she was dolled-up for the cameras and stage. Seeing her like this made his heart beat a little harder.

“What do you think? Will this work?” she asked. Then she noticed the food and her words continued right into, “Oh my god, that smells wonderful! And you even got my favorite beer right!”

Ryker laughed, and crossed the patio to wrap his arms around her.

He said, “The shirt certainly covers all the important bits, but I’m still going to be fighting guys off you if anyone sees you in that. You’re so beautiful.” He pecked a kiss to her lips. “And sexy.” Another kiss. “And amazing.” Another kiss.

“Why, thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“It’s not flattery when it’s true.”

Jade’s stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly.

Ryker laughed and gestured toward the table. “Dig in.”

“Oh, I will. Thanks, Ry. This all looks fantastic.”

“Anytime, sweetness.”

Chapter 15


“Oh my god, it’s huge!” Jade squealed.

“That’s what she said,” Ryker teased, with a laugh.

When he saw what Jade was reeling in, his expression sobered. “Oh my god, it really is huge!”

He grabbed a net and rushed to her side.

Jade fought with the giant fish, slowly reeling it in from her perch on Ryker’s small fishing boat.

When it was close enough, Ryker scooped it up with the net and pulled it on board. He stared at it in awe for a minute.

“Jade, you caught a fuckin’ muskie,” he said. “Your first fish and you literally catch the biggest predator in this entire lake. I’ve fished out here for years and never caught one of these.”

“Beginner’s luck?”

Ryker laughed. “Maybe.”

He pulled a measuring tape out of his tackle kit and measured it quickly. “39.5 inches. Fuck yeah, baby. Great catch! Let’s get a pic of you with it and get it back in the water.”

“This thing’s bigger than me!”

“It really is. You want to hold it or just kneel beside it?”

“I want to hold it, of course!”

Ryker laughed. He scooped the flailing fish up into his arms and deposited it into Jade’s. She struggled to hold it as it flopped, but she managed it and her grin was huge when he snapped her picture with his cell phone camera.