Page 21 of Jade

Ryker tried to push the image out of his mind and kept moving.

His heart thudded as he rounded the gate into the venue’s fenced-in bus parking area. Where was the guard who was supposed to be watching the gate?

Diesel leaned against the bus with an ice pack against his head.

The flattened front tire had a screwdriver sticking out of the side.

Ryker skidded to a halt beside Diesel, his heart pounding wildly.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “The girls?”

“Pretty sure I’ve got a concussion. Girls are fine, but scared.” Each word seemed to take a lot of effort for Diesel.

“Someone jumped me and knocked me in the head. I feel like it was a sledgehammer, but was probably a tire iron. They popped the bus tire with a screwdriver. Think Drake came out to investigate and caught them running away. He chased them into the street and got hit by a car while distracted. EMT woke me up with smelling salts. Called you. Think Drake will be okay but he’s pretty banged up. Lost a lot of blood.”

“Have you talked to the police? What’d the medic say about your head?”

“Spoke to one of the officers, but they want their chief to talk to you. Briefly saw medic but didn’t want to leave the bus. Prolly need to get checked out.” He closed his eyes and rested his head against the bus.

Ryker nodded. “Thanks, Diesel. You did great. We gotta look out for you now. Can you walk?”

Diesel pushed off the bus but stumbled. Ryker wrapped an arm around his shoulder and Diesel leaned on him as they walked to the nearby ambulance.

Ryker would be on the phone with the hospital ASAP for an update on Drake and Diesel, but at least he knew they were in expert hands with the medics.

On his way back to the bus, he called Benny and Roark to fill them in. They immediately headed toward the scene.

He knew the police still wanted to speak to him, but he needed to check on the band first.

When he tried to open the door to the bus, he found it locked from the inside. Good, they were being smart.

He knocked and shouted, “Hey, open up! It’s Vittroli!”

He heard pounding footsteps running inside the bus. The door whooshed open.

Ryker let out an “oomph!” and instinctively caught her when Jade hurled herself into his arms and wrapped her jean-clad legs around his waist.

She nuzzled her face against his neck and mumbled, “Ryker, I was so worried. Thank God you’re okay. How are Diesel and Drake?”

“Shhh. It’s okay. They’ll be all right.” He wrapped an arm around her hips for steadiness and stroked her hair with his free hand.

He enjoyed having her come to him like that — her warmth wrapped around him and the softness of her long, colorful hair beneath his fingertips. He gave in to temptation and brushed a feather-soft kiss against her temple. But as much as he could stay like that all day, common sense won out.

He said, “We’ve got to get you back on the bus. Your stalker is still out here somewhere, and he’s more dangerous than ever. Hold on tight.”

He climbed the bus steps with Jade still wrapped around him then pressed the button to close the door.

He pushed through the curtain, lowered her to her feet, and helped her get her balance on the uneven floor. He gestured for her to move farther into the bus away from the windows, which she did.

The bus was a mess. Cards were scattered all over the place and the floor tilted slightly downward. The other band members waited by the bunks.

“Is everyone all right?” he asked.

“We’re fine,” Bex said. “What happened?”

“Someone attacked Diesel and knocked him out. The perpetrator popped the bus tire with a screwdriver. Drake chased him. Somehow during the chase, Drake got hit by a car.”

A collective gasp went up from the band.