Page 69 of Jade

“I’m sorry. I’m worried.”

His angry features softened and he released a deep breath.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple. “I know, baby. Me, too.” He held her for a minute and stroked her hair.

He said, “I love you. I’m sorry if I snapped at you. I only want to keep you safe.”

“I know. I love you, too, Ry.”

He took a step back, pulled his phone out of his pocket, and unlocked it.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Changing plans.”

He booked two tickets on the next flight then texted his team to request both a ride from the airport and reservations at one of the most secure hotels in the city.

When he was done, Ryker wrapped her in another hug and kissed her hair.

He said, “We have a few hours before we have to head out. Let’s get some sleep while we still can.”

“I don’t know if I can sleep.”

“Then relax and let me hold you. It’s going to be a long trip and it’s been a stressful day. I’m afraid you’re going to crash on me if you don’t rest now.”

“I’ll try.”

Ryker set an alarm and put his phone on charge on the nightstand, then they climbed into bed.

She reached to wrap her body around his but he stopped her and pressed her back flat to the bed. He settled in beside her and snuggled up to her side. He murmured in her ear. “Listen to my voice, sweetness. Do what I tell you. I have a technique that used to help me sleep during rough missions. Maybe it can help you now.” He kissed below her ear.


“Close your eyes and relax the muscles in your face. Your tongue, your jaw, and the muscles around your eyes.”

She followed his instructions. She’d never noticed how much tension she held in those areas.

“Drop your shoulders as far down as they’ll go. Now your upper arm then your lower arm, one side at a time. Good, baby.

“Breathe out. Relax your chest. Now your legs. Start with your thighs and work down.”

When her whole body was like jello, he murmured, “Perfect. Now clear your mind. Think of nothing for about ten seconds.”

She cleared her mind. He hummed a quiet, steady lullaby and gently stroked her hair.

Surprisingly, Jade felt herself grow drowsier.

“Now think of yourself lying in a canoe on our lake. The water is calm, the breeze is blowing, the day is beautiful. There’s nothing but a clear blue sky above you. Focus on that. Let the canoe gently rock you. Let the sun warm your face.”

She didn’t want to be alone, so she imagined the two of them. The image of Ryker holding her while they floated in a canoe under the sun, plus the comfort of his steady hum, successfully lulled her into a light sleep.

* * *

Of course, after they woke to the alarm and boarded the plane for their flight, Jade gave Ryker a hard time over who hummed him to sleep on his missions (according to him, no one — he supposedly threw in the humming for her benefit). But the teasing was in good spirit. His efforts to help her sleep had worked. A couple hours of relaxed sleep managed to clear her mind and tone down her panic. Now she was in a better frame of mind to help Lyra.

Jade wore her “sexy nerd” wig and glasses to try to avoid being spotted.

Roark met them at the gate when their flight landed at JFK International.