Page 6 of Heart Wrecker

I don't know if other people have experienced the same feeling I had at that moment because when my lips touched Billy's, it was magical, like a jolt of energy, and our souls joined.

Billy pulled away first. "I'm not good for you, Elle. I'll only fuck things up, fuck up your life. You need to forget about me because I'll get deployed somewhere across the other side of the world."

He stepped back, and we stood there in silence; the only sound was the pitter-patter of rain.

"You're breaking my heart," I said with anguish.

"Go to Towson and get that college degree to take over the world. Then find a guy that treats you like a queen and live a good life."

Billy took another step back, turned around, ran back to his truck, climbed in, then drove away.

Part II

15 Years Later



I sat with our new chapter's Sgt. At Arms, Bagger in the Lobby Bar at the MGM National Harbor, drinking draft beers in frosty mugs. My President, Heavy, was supposed to be with us to meet with the notorious kingpin, Nolan Reynolds, who ran the massive casino and hotel built along the Potomac River's Maryland shoreline. But Heavy was with his old lady, Dani, at Sibley Hospital in DC. and getting ready to have their baby.

I've known Heavy since we were punk-ass kids in high school. He was my President of the Reaper Bastards MC, Washington, D.C. chapter and a real mean son-of-a-bitch.

Just a few weeks ago, Heavy found out that one of our own soldiers, Defon, was pinched by the feds. We could only assume it was for drug possession or any number of things Defon could've had his hands into behind the club's back. Defcon couldn't deal with having to go to prison again and, this time, serve for the rest of his life. So he took a deal, then flipped and became a rat. The hurtful punch to the gut was that not only did Defcon become a rat and hurt my club, but Heavy also found all this out from the President of a smaller MC than the Reaper Bastards, called the Merciless Few. Their President, who goes by the name, Zero, rode into our territory from Ocean City, Maryland, and had a private meet with Heavy in one of the VIP rooms at the Pink Pussy Dollhouse.

Defcon now had a target on his back that day and left town. But before the Reaper Bastards could put a bullet in his head, the rat's ex-girlfriend did it for us.

Bagger and I knew we were targets while sitting at the casino bar, wearing our cuts with the Reaper Bastards MC three-piece patches. The feds were up our asses because of Defcon, but there was no way in hell we wouldn't wear our Reaper Bastards colors. And we didn't give a fuck either since the feds wouldn't approach us right there in a public place. Nolan's Reynolds' muscle, Brody Huntsman, appeared, and we followed him up the elevator to Nolan's private office and found him sitting at his desk. He wore a dark purple suit and black shirt, the knot to his flashy tie was loosened, and smoking a cigar. His wavy hair was all over the place like it usually looked when he was down a rabbit hole with his business dealings or when it had something to do with Gina Reynolds, the escort turned wife of a kingpin.

After Brody closed the office door, Nolan waved me and Bagger over to sit in fancy wingback chairs across from his big desk. "Have a seat, fellas."

I sat down and nodded toward Brody, "Heavy wants what I need to say only to be heard by you."

Nolan looked at Brody as he stood by the big bay window overlooking National Harbor.

"I trust Brody with my life and everyone in it. Whatever you need to tell never gets out of this room."

"Fuck. Well, here goes. We had a rat in my club. My club has been a target of the feds. ATF, DEA, FBI, we're not sure. And we don't know for how long. Since you've got people in those three branches of the government in your pockets, we need you to find out and get them off our backs."

"Who was the rat? "Nolan asked, and when I just stared at him, he continued. "I'm going to need a name, Wrecker."

"Dillon Walker. He went by his club name, Defcon."

"Give me a week to take care of it."

"Thanks. Reach out to me and Heavy when we're clear of those nosey fuckers."

Both Bagger and I were about to stand and leave the office when Nolan continued. "I need your club to help me out," Nolan said as he leaned back in his chair with the cigar hanging out of his mouth.

I should've known the kingpin wanted a favor in return.

"Whatever it is you want the Reaper Bastards to help you with, I'm going to have to run it by Heavy first."

"I accept that. Business is business, whether you're an MC, mobbed-up, or just plain old corrupt to the core. We all have our protocols to follow, but this is huge and enough wealth for all of us."

Heavy hated working with what he called suit-and-tie lawbreakers but then realized, after working with Nolan Reynolds, that there was lots of money in it for our club.

"Okay, whatcha got?"