Page 19 of Heart Wrecker

When Bagger approached to tell us that the cargo was transferred to the van, Whiskey and his men were finished discussing the new plan.

"Alright, y'all better keep up," Whiskey said to me and Heavy as he walked past us toward the Camry he would drive.

When I returned to the bikes with Heavy and Bagger, Grizzly had already started the engine on the semi and began to drive it back down the dark road. Heavy told Bagger, Tusk, and Gator that he and I were following Whiskey's crew and the cargo to Tennessee for the drop-off. And they would follow Grizzly driving the semi to an address Piotr had given him somewhere in Charleston, South Carolina, to deliver the rest of the pallets of board games.

It was the day after the transport, and Whiskey was in the critical care unit at a hospital in Clyde, North Carolina. It was a long and exhausting ride to Tennesee, and just at daybreak, and the sun began to shine over the horizon, some drunk-driving asshole in a Ford pickup truck sped past us and swerved over, and almost hit Whiskey. The driver lost control of his pickup truck, and it flipped over. Whiskey's Camry swerved to avoid the truck and debris all over the road, then crashed into a massive rock wall. Heavy and I were behind Whiskey when it happened, and we dialed 911. Luckily, the van carrying the cargo of counterfeit plates, along with three of Whiskey's Valhalla brothers, Taz, Boa, and Vex, on their bikes, were about a mile ahead when the cops and paramedic arrived at the scene.

Even though Heavy didn't like Whiskey, we both felt terrible he was in the ICU, so we stayed the night and got rooms at a local motel near the hospital. Some of Whiskey's Valhalla Heathen brothers and his family members arrived and booked the whole motel for themselves.

Taz went to see Whiskey and filled me and Heavy in on his condition. He didn't suffer any brain injury when he crashed the Camry and only had some cuts and bruises.

The cargo of counterfeit plates arrived at the drop-off spot in Tennessee later that afternoon. Nolan and Piotr's plan succeeded, so Heavy and I twisted our throttles to return home. As I rode my bike in a staggered formation behind Heavy on the long stretch of highways from Tennessee to Washington, I thought about what he said to me at the clubhouse about him and Dani and how Roadkil, our chapter's Sgt. At Arms, he was patched in with Blood Eagle MC to start a new life with Lacey in Myrtle Beach. Bagger was then voted in as Roadkill's replacement as our new Sgt at Arms, which was good for our club. Then, my mind flooded with images of Elle in high school. Her long chestnut-colored hair and how she was looked like a quiet little mouse. She was intelligent and mature for her age, with more compassion than any girls I dated back then. My dad bullied me growing up, so when I saw Elle being bullied that day in the hallway at school, it made me want to punch that jock-strap in the throat.

My mind wandered back to the night I had just left after Elle showed me how much she loved me with her beautiful body. She must have felt abandoned, the same way I felt when my mom left me when I was a kid.

I became so angry at myself and suddenly roared against the wind on my face as I gripped my handlebars. I decided to talk to Elle when I got home and hoped she would give me another chance to prove I loved her.



I sat at a table with Sarah in a local bar and restaurant in the historic district beside the Potomac River in Old Town Alexandria called the Alice Comfort Cocktail. We ate a few appetizers, and I was drinking too many mojitos that I lost count when I told Sarah all the details of what happened between Wrecker and me after she left the Dollhouse last night.

I told her how Wrecker had just left right after we had sex and hadn't called me since. Sarah's jaw dropped as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Are you fucking kidding me? He just left?"

I raised my glass of mojito to her. "Yep, he sure did." Then, I took another sip.

"That asshole!" Sarah said, then reached across the table and took my hand. "I'm so sorry, Elle. He treated you like some damn whore he picked up at that trashy strip club. You didn't deserve that one bit. He can't just get away with it, either. We have to do something to get back at him!"

I laughed. "What can we do? Just walk up and kick him in the nuts? Wrecker belongs to an outlaw motorcycle club. Men like him are dangerous. No, thank you. I've got something else planned."

Sarah's eyes gleamed as she sipped her vodka and cranberry and leaned in. "Oh, do tell!"

"Do you remember Billy's best friend, Hendrix Stone, from high school?"

"Yeah, I sure do, and I thought he was a hottie in that bad boy kinda way! I wonder what ever happened to him."

"Well, I went to the Dollhouse the night after Wrecker ditched me and found Hendrix there! They don't call him Hendrix anymore, though. They call him Heavy, and he's the President of Wrecker's motorcycle club!"

"No way!"

"Yes! And he has an old lady named Dani. That's a biker term for girlfriend or wife, I think. They just had a baby girl, so they are throwing a clubhouse party this weekend to celebrate, and I'm invited!"

Sarah squealed. "That's fantastic! Can I come along?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea. You know more about what these men in motorcycle clubs are like. They have a caveman code for letting outsiders like us into their world. And that brings me to how I'm going to piss Wrecker off, and that's by riding to the clubhouse with one of his club members! His name is Bagger, and he's cute in a brutish way and seems nice. There's this thing among bikers that to see your woman riding on another man's bike is like breaking a sacred code, or like blasphemy, to the point that men will fight each other if that code is broken.

"I would love to be a fly on the wall so I can see Wrecker's reaction when he sees you and Bagger ride into their clubhouse," Sarah replied.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you all about it. Who knows, maybe if I'm invited again to the clubhouse, I can ask if you can join me."

Sarah became distracted as she looked at something or someone behind me.

I almost turned around in my chair to look, but she stopped me. "Don't turn around just yet, but I just saw Logan Peabody walk in a woman he's holding hands with. It's good he kept a distance from you at the high school reunion."

Logan Peabody, the asshole from prom night.

I looked over my shoulder, and my eyes locked with Logan's as he followed behind the hostess to seat him. He was the first to blink and smile at the blond woman who walked beside him as they sat at a small table.